Israel is an antisemitic state


Son of Israeli PM posted this:


Does anyone still believe that Israel is a Jewish state? It is a white supremacist neo-nazi state, not a Jewish state. America is the homeland of the Jews, not Israel.
Son of Israeli PM posted this:


Does anyone still believe that Israel is a Jewish state? It is a white supremacist neo-nazi state, not a Jewish state. America is the homeland of the Jews, not Israel.

The early Zionists detested traditional Judaism and imitated European nationalism. The intellectual forebears of the present regime in 'Israel' shot in the back, then booby-trapped the bodies of the soldiers who fought Hitler, whose model they imitated, despairing of survival as anything but Nazi racists. It made some sort of sense back then, but now it wants cleaning up, fast.
I'm sorry that more people won't risk discussing this, because I fear that the racist antics of the 'Israeli' Nazis will have permanent ill-effects on Jewish people everywhere, decent folk I've always admired. An awful lot of ex-Nazi-appeasing types in the States and Europe have just gone on appeasing racist killers under a different hat.