Israel, - way to nonexistence

Alik Bahshi

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Alik Bahshi

Israel, - way to nonexistence

One justice - the basis of victories.
Violence - the source of misfortunes and troubles.


In 2002, Saudi Arabia made a peace initiative:
- All the Arab countries recognize the state of Israel,
Israel frees-occupied territory, does not prevent the return of Palestinian refugees, the status of East Jerusalem the capital of Palestine gets.
(The fact that even a recognized occupation hawk as former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.)

Israel rejected the offer. One would think that might be best to put an end to half a century of Arab-Israeli conflict. But, alas, Israel chose war, a war that neither today nor in the future, you can not win, and the witness of the sad reality that tends to deteriorate alarmingly for Israel.
The long peace talks, initiated by the Madrid Peace Conference presented the Palestinians a waste of time. Prime Minister Rabin was a victim of politics, in which lurks the principle of "peace in exchange for territory." Melted Palestinian hopes for an independent state. Question of the return of millions of Palestinian refugees and the remaining issues. Construction of Jewish settlements in the occupied territories continued. Prime Minister Barak, who supports the Oslo Agreements, generally refused to consider the status of Jerusalem. A provocative and demonstrative ascent to the Temple Mount (the Arab shrine), the then opposition leader, Ariel Sharon, revealed his intentions in the matter of the status of Jerusalem. Intifada. Palestinians have returned to its original state prior to the negotiations, and saw their future only in the struggle with Israel. Undeclared war, which have long been used as the Arabs and Jews, has found new life. No military action of Israel in retaliation in response to Palestinian terrorist attacks and launches from Gaza imperfect homemade rockets which have a psychological impact than destructive, failing. Gaza has become a swamp, like Lebanon, from which Israel was chosen for 20 years. The Government of Israel has found a solution in the construction of a concrete wall around the occupied territory, which is more like a huge prison with no roof. Isolation of Palestinians in the concrete bag looks like a very action of a State, pursuing a policy of apartheid. Another thing, if the construction of the wall reflect the mutual agreement on the state border between Jews and Palestinians, but, unfortunately, there is no such agreement, and the location of the wall only grants the territory annexed by Israel, emphasizing the aggressive intentions against the Arabs, and most importantly, the wall will the value of another, more create, obstacles to peace.

Palestinians doomed to failure in the negotiations with Israel has meant that after the elections in the Palestinian Authority the power was in the hands of the radicals of Hamas. This is to be expected, really, from the point of view of the Palestinians, is that the endless negotiations are useless for occasional appearances under American pressure, because today's Israel is not interested in the emergence of a Palestinian state. And for America's Middle East Arab-Israeli conflict is purely internal use between the Jewish lobby and the American political elite, because in fact no political, and especially economic use from political and military alliance with Israel, no.

The inevitable costs of such a policy, it is a double standard: on the one hand, American planes bombed Belgrade for his reluctance to grant freedom to the people of the former Yugoslavia, on the other hand, Washington blocks UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli military actions in the occupied Palestine. And just to maintain, much tarnished international image, America rarely pulls his ally from the excessive use of force in a slow, permanent war with "armed to the teeth" with stones and flying scraps pipes (rocket "Qassam" - the Palestinian version of the missile) by Palestinians, among other things, in response to the firing homing missiles from F-16, use the least accurate, human bombs. Significant superiority of the Israelites in the quantity and quality of arms offset high moral motivation Palestinians.

There is a war and each side uses the weapons available. Israel fully owns all operational space, at any time, in any place of autonomy may appear tank "Merkava" and fired on a crowd of Palestinians, and after the huge tank size armored bulldozer leveled the house in which he lived an alleged terrorist. With the F-16 and "Apache" produced the so-called "point" the elimination not only of leaders of armed resistance, but its spokesmen. For example, Sheikh Yassin (Hamas ideologue), the patient feeble old man who spent many years in an Israeli prison and set free, probably in the hope that poor health would not allow him to continue to call on Palestinians to resist, in the end "point eliminated" launched from an aircraft rocket. But the result was quite the opposite - Hamas won the elections in the autonomy. Do you think perhaps depriving ideologue life, to kill the idea. Arrested all those involved in the resistance movement, including members of the Government of the Palestinian Authority. But all in vain, the Palestinians, regardless of the enormous losses and hardship continue resistance, which can not be suppressed, the only thing that has not been used by Israel in Gaza - is napalm, carpet bombing and the atomic bomb. The question naturally arises, the Palestinians have received napalm, do not be such a major deterrent factor today, as world opinion? On the other hand, more of its military arsenal, Israel can take to win and end the war, if not in this war have such an opportunity - to win.

Infinite in time and, more importantly in this case, Israel's inconclusive war is a clear illustration of the fact that the people who wants to be free, you can not win. The Palestinians have no army that could crush, no military targets that could be destroyed, they have nothing at all, but only the land and the people, the people who dug into the land, and no deprivation, no power can , to tear them from the land.

So, all the hard-initiated peace talks due in the first place, White House policy, has come to a logical impasse, out of which only the Palestinians in the war. In a war that has become an attribute, but rather a way of life, and death, so to speak, because it forced the premature death - a common thing in the life of autonomy. The threat of death does not stop the Arabs of Gaza to run "Qassam" towards the nearest Israeli cities. Unable to prevent the attacks, the Israeli army operates on a vendetta, striking at random Palestinian homes, and mainly at night. In response to the targeted killings and arrests of Palestinians, like moles, Breakthrough underground passage to the roadblock, managed to capture an Israeli soldier. Palestinians offer to exchange captive on in Israeli jails Arabs, was categorically rejected. And Israel, in revenge for a daring raid and the capture of a soldier, once again subjected to a brutal bombardment of Palestinians. Here we have the name of the place, because the release of the abducted in this way is impossible.

Following the Gaza Palestinians no less audacious plan implemented Hezbollah kidnapped two Israeli soldiers on its northern border. On offer to exchange the soldiers for Lebanese prisoners Israel responded with the blessing of the Bush war. Bush probably naively thought that things are going, what we needed, and now Hezbollah is finished. However, the Second Lebanon unexpectedly for the Jews and the Americans was a complete failure.
It seems that all it touches Bush is doomed to failure. Given all the political activity of Bush as president, Americans should be put up in front of the White House and posters in public places, "Do not do that Bush" in order to protect him from further errors before the end of tenure.

As is the case in Gaza to release captured soldiers failed, but Hizbolla, contrary to expectations, came up to the war, and confirmation that the winner of the Israeli parliamentary committee to recognize the failure of the Second Lebanon war Israel. She initially could not be successful. Rescue from captivity Israeli soldiers blown war foolish idea. Managed only to draw districts of Beirut in ruins under which killed women and children, who, apparently to report Israeli generals and Hezbollah militants are active. But it was such a senseless murder and multiplies Hizbullah.
Israel has no future without peace with its Arab neighbors. However, because of the unwillingness to make territorial concessions, rejecting the possibility of peace with the Arabs, and relying on military force, Israel recklessly abandons peace initiative proposed by the influential Arab country. It would seem that fate itself offers a chance for the future. But .... Here is this "No" is the explanation. And it is not in disbelief Arabs, after all, the distrust is no reason for continuing the war, but in a much more complex, hidden from the view of the surface conditions.

In my view, the political situation in Israel form the somewhat unique, you can say almost paradoxical factors:

- Jews in America, more than in the country of the Jews and Israel American Jewish influence on political life in Israel is enormous. In addition, their political activity, supported by well-capitalized, has a tremendous impact on the policy of America itself. The Jewish lobby in the U.S. Congress - this is truly another Government of Israel, whose interests for this lobby have a higher priority than the interests of the U.S. itself. For example, if America was originally on the Arab side, the political situation during the Cold War on a global scale would have been different, that is, in military and economic terms, in relation to the Soviet bloc, America and Europe got a significant advantage and managed to avoid many of the world's problems, which are available today.

- American Jews, most of them more right than Israeli Jews, much of it has already got used to the idea of the inevitability of the formation of a Palestinian state. Interestingly, Jews who had left Israel for a better life, being away from uncomfortable Israeli reality, so overflowing patriotism (overseas) and the fierce hatred of the Arabs, which, in their aggression, but only on television, literally ready to napalm burn Gaza and resent any Government concessions to Israel of Palestinian autonomy, accusing him of excessive liberalism and softness to the Arabs. The opinion of this part of American Jewry to influence policies of the Israeli government.

Certainly, a significant support to the Israeli right has the clerical part of the Jewish community, which collects a lot of foreign currency for their needs. In aggravation of the situation around the Arab-Israeli conflict is a great contribution made by the settlers. It is for the most part came from the U.S. religious immigrants, descendants of shtetl Jews who decided to revive the ancient times in Palestine. In America, to carry out such undertaking, cut off from civilization by barbed wire, problem, but the Israeli-occupied territories is the best fit for this case of nostalgia.

These obvious facts and hidden power of the right wing in Israel, whose adherents are a danger not only that they are willing to aggression, until the assassination of Prime Minister (Yitzhak Rabin), but welcome any aggravation of the international situation. It must be confessed, for example, some of them were glad of the catastrophe for Sept. 11 and the ensuing political mistake Bush's act of retaliation. They do not want to see a permanent war between Jews and Arabs and the collapsed skyscrapers "twins", explaining the tragedy in New York suddenly for no where the legend of the international Islamic terrorism, and allegedly started the war of civilizations. Naturally such nonsense was not expressed by any official policy and no military action on a global scale have not begun. Only those who supported the idea, and probably initiated it - is the Kremlin, which severely inhibits the desire for freedom of the Chechen people.

In the world, many people practice Islam, but only the Arabs, and not all are in a state of war with the Jews and their allies and the cause of this war, not the difference of religion. Would not it be chronic Palestinian problem would not exist and Bin Laden. Mimicking the actions of Putin in the Caucasus, Bush wants to soak Bin Laden, but even if that happens, the leader of Al-Qaeda will no doubt become another of its members. Al-Qaeda - an ideology, not religious, what it try to present interested parties. First of all, Bin Laden came from Saudi Arabia, the most in the religiously orthodox Sunni Muslim country, which he had to leave because there the prosecution authorities. Furthermore, Bin Laden had nothing to do with the Shiite regime in Tehran obscurantist, or he could hide in the reach of America, Iran, and not among the Pashtun tribes of Afghanistan or Pakistan. At the heart of the confrontation of Iran and al-Qaeda with the United States are different political reasons, it is political, not religious. Spiritual elite of the Islamic Republic of Iran is fully aware that the world's democracies are a major threat to their power, and America, in support of which once relied reformist Iranian society shahinshah Mohammad Reza Pehlivi is their main ideological opponent.

Al-Qaeda - it is purely a political paramilitary organization dedicated to the fight against America and its allies - the main culprit, according to bin Laden in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. To neutralize al-Qaeda, it is necessary to remove the cause of the occurrence, namely to solve the Palestinian problem, return Syria Gollan and agree on a permanent state border with Lebanon.

The problem of the Arab-Israeli conflict is very skillfully exploit Tehran's policy and not because of a great love for the Arabs, with whom they were at war for eight years (remember the war in Iraq), and to represent America as the enemy of Islam and the Muslim world. Terms of the overall Islamic front against the Western civilization - or delusions, or a special political provocation and a convincing argument in the wrong opinion about the religious background of the policy of Tehran, Iran is an alliance with the Christian countries of Russia and Armenia against the Turkic countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Particularly illustrative of "United Islamic Front" is the massacre of Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq, who have used the intervention of America, it can be said of Christians, to bring together, accumulated during Saddam Hussein's dictatorship, religious accounts.

The legend of an international Islamic terrorism against Western civilization are the imperial forces of Russia and Jewish policies of America and Israel, have highly political goals.

Despite the overwhelming military superiority of Jews over Palestinians real situation in the future is not in favor of Israel. Hope for eternal superiority in military power over the Arabs a dangerous delusion. Israel - a country dependent and it's clear that without American military and economic aid in a hostile environment did not last long. Even the presence of nuclear weapons does not guarantee security, because in the case of use in such a limited area theater fatal radiation pierce-Israel. If the American taxpayer came into our heads not to pour more dollars into the Middle East sand, the most likely picture is anything but rosy.

The Israeli economy is not able to sustain the costs of war. All modern weapons Israel receives from its U.S. ally. Now imagine that the U.S. stop the supply of arms and funding of Israel. Outcome in this case is unambiguous - Israel as the state ceases to exist, because the war there and then simmer. Israel, of course, will initially hold back pressure Arabs turn to ruins Damascus, Cairo, destroy the Aswan Dam, but soon run out of material of war. There are no spare parts for U.S. aircraft, missiles and bombs, finally, cannon fodder, too, has a limited number of (especially when you consider that many Israelis have dual citizenship). The few dozen atomic bombs, which will be used to deter fanatical Arab hordes, cause radiation damage to the region, because they have cast away in the inner circle. Instead of manna for Israel not left residents spilled radioactive rain. That is the ugly prospect that awaits Israel in the event of failure of American support for Israel.

Do not take the chance of peaceful solution, the Israeli right, unwittingly exacerbated the situation, and the rise to power of the radical Hamas was inevitable. If Arafat, who recognized Israel in part of the territory of the former Palestine Mandate, the Israelis imprisoned in his office, not wanting to deal with him, now, whether they like it or not, they have to deal with Hamas, does reject the right of Jews to the State. It is a sad fact forced Israel quickly build relationships with Yasser Arafat's Fatah, providing access to frozen foreign currency funds and allowing international humanitarian organizations to establish supply Food and Drug Authority.

Hamas had to appear on the political battlefield to Israel hastened to make concessions to the Palestinians, until a hint of agreement on the proclamation of East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. However, while all the important only in words, but in this circumstance, one conclusion - fright before growing radicalization among Palestinians.

It is likely that Bush already established tradition of the White House at the end of his term, when the Jewish lobby is unable to respond quickly to the President's decision, will take political pressure on Israel, but because of lack of time, this pressure will be more symbolic than effective .

Still, the current situation around the state of Israel as a historic, disappearing into the depths of centuries and linked to the fate of the Jewish people, explanation. In "The People's fate or each cricket to his last," I suggested that the fate of any of the people connected with his mentality, the character of the people, because the people are different even at the genetic level, and the mentality is hereditary. No matter where he was the Roma people in accordance with their mentality will lead his a characteristic way of being creative, and certainly not in contrast to the Anglo-Saxons. The fate of the people must acquire the mentality of the people and their direct fatal sense, it was originally destined. If Gypsies provide land and say, treat it, live on it, then I'm sure the next day you will not find them there. Gypsies are not self-sufficient people have a different way of being.
Israel as a Jewish state was revived thanks to the money and the desire of the Jewish people to have their own country, and in the area where the Jews as a compact living of the people, almost was not. Prophet Moses warned his tribe from the worship of the Golden Calf. Unfortunately, either then or later, that charge is left without proper obedience. Gold not grow corn. And in order to grow grain, we need not only his own land, but also their sweat.
Jewish money acquired in the Diaspora, in the conditions of life among the nations. It would seem that if the six million American Jews and will be repatriated to Israel, which would have changed significantly the demographic ratio in favor of the Jews, whether you will be safe, but rather to re-create ways to make money, as it was in America? That is the question. In short, who will milk cows on Saturdays? Here we must take into account that without the Jewish lobby in America that there is also thanks to the money Israel would lose political and economic support. To maintain the state of Israel in a hostile environment? Over the past fifty years, Israel has failed to normalize relations with the neighboring states. In this case, the best way is to keep American Jews in America, but then it will be essential and unavoidable factor in this case - the process of assimilation. Again, the issue of loss of power the Jewish lobby is a matter of time.

It turns out that the only way to preserve Israel as a state - is peace with the Arabs and the indispensable condition - Bread grow their own hands and not rely on help Galut. Is it possible? I'd love to, that I am wrong, connecting with the mentality of the people's fate.
I agree there is a massive Israel First lobby in America which is far, far too powerful. It has run our Middle East foreign policy for far too long. I also believe Israel is committing slow suicide with its policy of constantly settling disputed territories.

But though I'm not in the habit of defending Netanyahu, and didn't read the entire post, we must in fairness understand that any "deal" which includes the Palestinian right of return is not a serious deal. It's like saying, "We will allow Israel to exist, as long as things go back to being exactly how it was before Israel existed." The right of return obliterates "Israel" in all but name only.

Consider: what is Israel - and what has the fight been about all these years - if not land? It's like saying we'll mix a big scoop of Kool-Aid (Palestinians) into a glass of water (Israel), but we'll continue to call the contents "water." Well, that water has been transformed into Kool-Aid no matter what we call it.

I know it's a weird analogy, but I think it works to understand this issue.