Israeli president likely to face rape charges


Villified User
Israeli president likely to face rape charges
By Ravi Nessman

JERUSALEM - Israeli President Moshe Katsav faced indictment yesterday on charges of rape and abuse of power in the most serious accusation against a top Israeli official in the country's history.

Katsav is accused of using his position as Israel's ceremonial head of state -- a job that is supposed to serve as the nation's moral compass -- to force himself on his female employees.

"It is a sad day for the state of Israel," said lawmaker Benny Elon, who called on Katsav to resign to spare Israel further trauma. But Katsav gave no indication he was preparing to step down, despite a wave of demands that he quit.

Attorney General Meni Mazuz's announcement that he intended to indict Katsav on a raft of charges was only the latest corruption scandal roiling the government, with accusations reaching as high as Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.
Saw this yesterday on the other site. Here is what I said:

Get 'em all. If they are guilty, punish accordingly. I am not opposed to castration (not necessarily just the chemical kind either) for those found to be 100% guilty of these types of crimes.

I'm not very tolerant of rapists or abusers of any kind. Sorry to not be politically correct here. That's just me.
I'm definitely opposed to cast ration as a form of punishment, but if there is credible evidence that he's doing this he needs to a) step down or b) be forced out of office and c) prosecuted.
The Jews will not castrate one of their own, they even put sperm from the dead into a woman the dead man was not married to.
Too clan oriented.
Government of Israel rife with scandals

By Ned Warwick

The Philadelphia Inquirer


JERUSALEM - Few democratic countries are able to completely avoid having the bad odor of corruption rise every so often off the body politic. But the citizens of Israel must be wondering these days what in heaven's name is going on in their country, founded on the mightiest of ideals.

Right now, the government of Israel seems at times like an application list for a rogues' gallery.

The prime minister is under investigation for allegedly helping friends in a bank deal; members of his inner office have been arrested in an ugly tax scandal; the president is being investigated on sex-abuse charges, the former justice minister for sexual harassment, and the finance minister for embezzlement; and charges may soon be brought against the defense minister - and head of the Labor Party - for illegal vote-getting. And the list goes on. In addition, two key members of the out-of-power Likud Party also are under investigation.

Is Israel suffering an acute breakdown in government morality? Is this a problem that has been around since the beginning and is just now getting more attention? Or is Israel, in fact, a country where government oversight and the country's laws are tougher on official wrongdoing than elsewhere?

Many who observe and who have participated in Israeli politics say the problem stems from a combination of factors, including Israel's change over the years from a quasi-socialist society to a full-steam-ahead capitalist country, as well as the imposition of tough - some say draconian - laws, zealously upheld.

Hmmm, that last paragraph....hmmm
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