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At this point in time, inflation is an issue that seems to favor the Republicans over the Democrats. That is, it seems that the majority of voters think that the Republicans would do a better job at handling this issue than the Democrats.
In many ways, our economy is doing well under Biden. However, our nation is definitely facing a MAJOR problem with inflation. And that problem is so great that it is detracting from the many positive aspects of our economy.
Unfortunately for our nation, the Republicans in our government (AKA, the Radical Right Republicans (the RRRs); AKA, the Pro-Chaos MAGA-Republicans) are better at selling lies, than the Democrats are at selling the truth. As a result, we are bombarded with RRR disinformation about our inflation problem that blames it ALL on Biden and the Democrats, and we hear little from the Democrats to counter that disinformation.
• Note:
> Inflation is a world-wide problem, and it is affecting MANY nations. Note: Biden and the Democrats have little control over that.
> As for gasoline prices, Biden has little control over them. Those prices are determined by the global market.
> According to some experts, one major cause of our inflation problem involves world-wide supply chain issues. These supply chain issues were caused by the Covid pandemic. Note:
* The supply chain issues caused by Covid started BEFORE Biden took office.
* Biden and the Democrats have little control over world-wide supply chain issues caused by Covid.
> According to some experts, another major cause of our inflation problem involves the cruel and unnecessary war in Ukraine caused by Putin (a mass murderer who Trump worships). Note:
* Biden and our NATO allies tried to prevent that war.
* Biden and our NATO allies are providing military aid to Ukraine, in an effort to end that war in Ukraine’s favor.
* Trump tried to undermine NATO, and he wanted the US to withdraw from NATO, in order to appease Putin. (What a moron … what a dangerous moron!)
> According to some experts, another major cause of our inflation problem is corporate profiteering (i.e. corporate price gouging).
> OPEC+ plans to cut back its oil production. According to some experts, that will add to world-wide inflation. (Some observers believe that this could be part of a Putin/Saudi plan to get Trump re-elected, because they know that they can easily manipulate Trump, and they can’t do that with Biden.)
> The oil companies are now posting record profits. Biden has called on the oil companies to use a portion of their profits to lower gas and oil prices for consumers. Instead of doing that, the oil companies are using those profits to buy back stock from their shareholders (and thus make their shareholders richer).
> If we were less dependent on oil for our energy needs, and more dependent on clean energy, perhaps we would not be facing these highly and artificially inflated energy costs. However, because the RRRs are owned by the oil companies, they oppose clean energy.
> In an effort to combat our inflation problem, Biden and the Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act. Among other things, this act does the following:
* It implements deficit reduction measures in order to fight inflation.
* It closes tax loopholes, and enforces the tax code, in order to insure that everyone pays their fair share in taxes.
* It lowers energy costs; increases clean energy production; and reduces carbon emissions by roughly 40% by 2030, in an effort to reduce the costly effects of those emissions (e.g., the $67 billion cost from hurricane Ian).
* It allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and caps out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000.
* It lowers ACA health care premiums for millions of Americans.
* It requires the biggest corporations, and the ultra-wealthy, to pay their fair share in taxes.
* There are no new taxes on families making $400,000 per year or less, and no new taxes on small businesses.
> In an effort combat the inflation caused by the shortage of oil, Biden has released oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. (That seemed to help for a while, because gasoline prices were going down for a while.)
> The RRRs like to say that Biden stopped domestic drilling for oil and that drove-up gasoline prices. Here’s what the fact checkers found:
* Since Biden took office, domestic oil production has increased both on federal lands and on US lands overall. In fact, overall domestic oil production in 2021 came close to a record high.
* Biden never tried to stop all domestic drilling. No president has the authority to stop drilling on private lands. However, he did try to pause future leasing on federal lands.
> The RRRs are NOT blaming on our inflation problem on the world-wide supply chain issues caused by Covid, nor on Putin’s war in Ukraine, nor on OPEC+ plans to cut back its oil production.
Instead, the RRRs are blaming the inflation on Biden and the Democrats for their efforts to get our economy and our nation back on track, after Biden inherited an economic mess from Trump (i.e., the worse economic mess since the Great Depression); a mess that was caused by Trump’s gross mismanagement of our Covid crisis; mismanagement that was fully supported by the RRRs.
The RRRs are calling the Biden/Democrat efforts “irresponsible spending”. Here’s an example of what the RRRs view as “irresponsible spending”:
* No more lead water pipes that poison people; more high-speed internet access; better roads and bridges; investing in public transit; upgrading airports and ports; investing in passenger rail; upgrading power infrastructure; cleaning-up legacy pollution sites; and protecting our infrastructure against extreme weather events and cyber-attacks.
* And adding an average of 1.5 million jobs per year for the next ten years.
> If the RRRs take over the Congress, they will NOT do anything to solve our inflation problem, because they have NO real solutions for that problem. What they WILL do is try to undo all of the Biden/Democrat efforts to repair the damage done to our economy and our nation caused by Trump’s gross mismanagement of our Covid crisis. AND because many RRRs are mini-Trumps (without the orange hair), they will cause a lot of chaos, just as Trump did while he was in office. AND they will become the “do-nothing but obstruct” party just like they were during Obama’s presidency, and responsible governance of our nation will be impeded or blocked.
• In conclusion: The Democrats really need to improve their messaging strategy in order to combat the Radical Right Republican’s success at selling lies. And they should have been doing that many months ago.
In many ways, our economy is doing well under Biden. However, our nation is definitely facing a MAJOR problem with inflation. And that problem is so great that it is detracting from the many positive aspects of our economy.
Unfortunately for our nation, the Republicans in our government (AKA, the Radical Right Republicans (the RRRs); AKA, the Pro-Chaos MAGA-Republicans) are better at selling lies, than the Democrats are at selling the truth. As a result, we are bombarded with RRR disinformation about our inflation problem that blames it ALL on Biden and the Democrats, and we hear little from the Democrats to counter that disinformation.
• Note:
> Inflation is a world-wide problem, and it is affecting MANY nations. Note: Biden and the Democrats have little control over that.
> As for gasoline prices, Biden has little control over them. Those prices are determined by the global market.
> According to some experts, one major cause of our inflation problem involves world-wide supply chain issues. These supply chain issues were caused by the Covid pandemic. Note:
* The supply chain issues caused by Covid started BEFORE Biden took office.
* Biden and the Democrats have little control over world-wide supply chain issues caused by Covid.
> According to some experts, another major cause of our inflation problem involves the cruel and unnecessary war in Ukraine caused by Putin (a mass murderer who Trump worships). Note:
* Biden and our NATO allies tried to prevent that war.
* Biden and our NATO allies are providing military aid to Ukraine, in an effort to end that war in Ukraine’s favor.
* Trump tried to undermine NATO, and he wanted the US to withdraw from NATO, in order to appease Putin. (What a moron … what a dangerous moron!)
> According to some experts, another major cause of our inflation problem is corporate profiteering (i.e. corporate price gouging).
> OPEC+ plans to cut back its oil production. According to some experts, that will add to world-wide inflation. (Some observers believe that this could be part of a Putin/Saudi plan to get Trump re-elected, because they know that they can easily manipulate Trump, and they can’t do that with Biden.)
> The oil companies are now posting record profits. Biden has called on the oil companies to use a portion of their profits to lower gas and oil prices for consumers. Instead of doing that, the oil companies are using those profits to buy back stock from their shareholders (and thus make their shareholders richer).
> If we were less dependent on oil for our energy needs, and more dependent on clean energy, perhaps we would not be facing these highly and artificially inflated energy costs. However, because the RRRs are owned by the oil companies, they oppose clean energy.
> In an effort to combat our inflation problem, Biden and the Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act. Among other things, this act does the following:
* It implements deficit reduction measures in order to fight inflation.
* It closes tax loopholes, and enforces the tax code, in order to insure that everyone pays their fair share in taxes.
* It lowers energy costs; increases clean energy production; and reduces carbon emissions by roughly 40% by 2030, in an effort to reduce the costly effects of those emissions (e.g., the $67 billion cost from hurricane Ian).
* It allows Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and caps out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000.
* It lowers ACA health care premiums for millions of Americans.
* It requires the biggest corporations, and the ultra-wealthy, to pay their fair share in taxes.
* There are no new taxes on families making $400,000 per year or less, and no new taxes on small businesses.
> In an effort combat the inflation caused by the shortage of oil, Biden has released oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. (That seemed to help for a while, because gasoline prices were going down for a while.)
> The RRRs like to say that Biden stopped domestic drilling for oil and that drove-up gasoline prices. Here’s what the fact checkers found:
* Since Biden took office, domestic oil production has increased both on federal lands and on US lands overall. In fact, overall domestic oil production in 2021 came close to a record high.
* Biden never tried to stop all domestic drilling. No president has the authority to stop drilling on private lands. However, he did try to pause future leasing on federal lands.
> The RRRs are NOT blaming on our inflation problem on the world-wide supply chain issues caused by Covid, nor on Putin’s war in Ukraine, nor on OPEC+ plans to cut back its oil production.
Instead, the RRRs are blaming the inflation on Biden and the Democrats for their efforts to get our economy and our nation back on track, after Biden inherited an economic mess from Trump (i.e., the worse economic mess since the Great Depression); a mess that was caused by Trump’s gross mismanagement of our Covid crisis; mismanagement that was fully supported by the RRRs.
The RRRs are calling the Biden/Democrat efforts “irresponsible spending”. Here’s an example of what the RRRs view as “irresponsible spending”:
* No more lead water pipes that poison people; more high-speed internet access; better roads and bridges; investing in public transit; upgrading airports and ports; investing in passenger rail; upgrading power infrastructure; cleaning-up legacy pollution sites; and protecting our infrastructure against extreme weather events and cyber-attacks.
* And adding an average of 1.5 million jobs per year for the next ten years.
> If the RRRs take over the Congress, they will NOT do anything to solve our inflation problem, because they have NO real solutions for that problem. What they WILL do is try to undo all of the Biden/Democrat efforts to repair the damage done to our economy and our nation caused by Trump’s gross mismanagement of our Covid crisis. AND because many RRRs are mini-Trumps (without the orange hair), they will cause a lot of chaos, just as Trump did while he was in office. AND they will become the “do-nothing but obstruct” party just like they were during Obama’s presidency, and responsible governance of our nation will be impeded or blocked.
• In conclusion: The Democrats really need to improve their messaging strategy in order to combat the Radical Right Republican’s success at selling lies. And they should have been doing that many months ago.