It appears JPP has become a safe place for FBook refugees who were abused there.


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As a result of the despicable abuse of commentators on FBook who were offended at constantly getting banned over petty issues while the monster site allows deplorable statements against good leaders of America to prevail. Yet when someone expresses a slight disregard to the atrocities within the tRump administration from hell and against his onsite trolls, members are banned for awhile. Yet, it appears JPP is one safe place in, particular, for the liberty of one to freely express themselves without any mal intent but to promote truth, facts and the reality of it all. This is something that FBook apparently doesn't care anything about.
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Facebook is global and has influence on the general public, JPP ...
Basically, JPP is a place to encounter Saudi Stooges like Truth Detector who hates America and is a Traitor to the Republic as he screams "Regime Change" when his chain is shaken.
Well, that and watching USF being used as a Human Pinata by everyone NOT on his extensive 'Thread Ban List'.
If it were not for my friends on FB, it would be to a deserved hell of rot with FB because I certainly do not need the sinister drama of it all.
Well that would be good riddance because with me, it is all about quality and not quantity. I hope over one billion people do not become corrupted at running with a safe site for the #45 devil and its deplorable atrocities.
Well that would be good riddance because with me, it is all about quality and not quantity. I hope over one billion people do not become corrupted at running with a safe site for the #45 devil and its deplorable atrocities.

I never used it till my daughter moved to Japan, then another one to South Calif, then another one to the UK..... Facetime, grandkids etc it is great, can't beat it..

You really can pick & choose, just be real choosy, IMHO..