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As 45 and his band of demagogues within his hell bound administration continue to be exposed for their lawless atrocities against humanity and civilization, 45 recruiting a Barr demagogue to do what he can to destroy the relevance of courts over immigration issues in particular, having a scurrilous rat Miller in there who should be in a federal penitentiary is enough to finally declare this 45 racket as a enemy of the State and dealt with like any other imminent threat. Yet there is more atrocities coming from this 45 racket when it comes to having a cabinet of actors that continues to experience the worse turnover rate compared to all former legitimate presidential administrations, obstruction of justice at refusing to expose his taxes and that un redacted Mueller report that his head felonious conspire Barr continues to defy society at withholding and other deplorable and unAmerican acts of this putrid 45 obstruction of justice racket. As such, it appears others are right at declaring this big F UP 45 as a weak so-called president who is losing the battle with his own so-called executive branch and the utter chaos, disorganization, hypocrisy, lawlessness and internal contradictions within this toilet administration. This also includes the dangers and threats that this self destructed 45 regime has demonstrated, especially in relationship with a law abiding, civilized and humane U.S. society and global relations. This world is not worth going to hell over a sub human and lower than low 45 mob of hell bound maniacs.