It happens again........


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At this point, white people just really need to learn how to read the room.

Just one day after Amy “Central Park Karen” Cooper became internet-infamous for calling the police on a black man after he asked her to leash her dog—a thing that resulted in her losing her job, her dog and her welcome on park grounds—a white man in Minneapolis got himself caught on camera calling the authorities on five black men for using the gym of an office building of which they all are tenants. Now, that white man is suffering losses, as well.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that managing partner of F2 Group Tom Austin lost his lease in a venture capitalist’s office building after a video posted to Instagram showed him going full Karen (or Chad? Steve? Hunter? At some point the black delegation is going to have to settle on a name for male Karens) and threatening to call the police on black men who refused to answer his questions about where their office was.

The black men in question are young entrepreneurs who own Top Figure, a social media and branding agency that is part of the WeWork co-working space in the Mozaic East building where the gym is located. Video footage of the confrontation with Austin was posted to Top Figure’s Instagram page and has since gone viral.