APP - It is all about the Supreme Court


After lots of thought and consideration as well as a long heart to heart with Mrs ILA, I have decided that I have no choice but to vote for Trump this November

I fundamentally disagree with him on soooooooo many issues and in the primary I supported Ted Cruz. But, when push comes to shove, it all comes down to the Supreme Court.

Do I know 100% what Trump will do with regards to Supreme Court nominees? Not a clue. For all I know he could be a Trojan Horse candidate. However, do I know 100% what Crooked ILLary will do with regards to Supreme Court nominees? Yes I do and that is a more frightening prospect. Keeping the Supreme Court from shifting the left is our last bastion of protecting our freedoms. We need to not only replace Scalia, but Ginsberg and a couple of others are not long for this world. There is a chance to shape the Supreme Court for the next 20-30 years. If he does nothing else, if he reneges on his promises on everything else, if he is able to stack the court with conservative jurists that will interpret the US Constitution then it will be worth my vote.

As much as I hate to do it, I will be throwing my vote to Donald J Trump this year and hold my nose doing it.
I still can't believe bo didn't force the other old timers out over his term. Opportunity lost.
But yes, the cost of rendering the court to being another rubber stamp facilitator is too great.