It Is Better To Have Loved And Lost Than Never To Have Loved At All...

Mmm...probably true when all things are considered but with certain exceptions, for example, Gary Glitter.
Well, IMO, it's because you will always have the memories. Having neither loved nor the memories of love is worse than losing it all after having loved.
/I've been in love twice in my lifetime.
For some it is, for others it isn't. Right now I'm wishing my brother never loved at all.

In retrospct, I don't really know if I have or haven't, which probably means I haven't. And I'm happy as Dixie with a tub of pickled pigs feet.
I will also say false. Although I would say loving losing and loving again is better than never loving at all.

Loving someone can be a great fulfilling experience but it can also be a source of the greatest of human pain.

If you never love anyone ensures you will neither have the good or the bad of the experience.

However how awful it would be to lose ones true love only to go through the rest of life without it.

It is not unlike blindness. It is better to be born blind than to lose ones sight later in life.
I've loved twice, and can tell you its a great feeling. But when I lost the first one, it was the worst feeling in the world. If I were to never love again, it would have been better to not loved in the first place. Six years of feeling loved couldn't overcome the 6 months of pain.