the Democratic party bases its ideas on things like knowable science, the facts of history and the betterment of mankind.
that is why we are open to people of all DNA
to claim that a society is better IF it limits the diversification in DNA in their citizens is babble if you accept known science.
History has proven over and over again that there is NOT only human talent in certain examples of human DNA
to seek to limit the range of humans containing certain DNA is to LIMIT the talent that that DNA contains and provides a society.
from every LOGICAL perspective it is counterproductive to seek such a limitation
what kind of people INSIST on clinging to myths that are completely based in non facts and examples in history?
people who find it easy to deny facts that have been offered them.
what value to a society does a group of people who can not apply facts consistantly while making their decisions?
science is the best knowledge mankind has at any given time.
bad information in means BAD decisions out
how much has mankind ALREADY fallen behind what we could have produced merely because some ass munch decides they didn't like Curly hair on the people around them?
to destroy and banish a fraction of the talent YOU WOULD HAVE HAD if you accepted all talent is very illogical and counterproductive
racism is an unintelligent and self harming world view to accept .
I have a theory as to why some people persist in this mindset even in the face of hampering their own lives and society.
In example
the white racists in American who hate brown and black people have a little problem
they in their hearts believe black and brown people are their superior.
They fear science PROVING their race is actually less talented than those people.
IF they were actually logical about the actual known facts that would be the ONLY logical reason to take that position IF you honor the facts.
maybe to get them to actually stop fearing that silly notion they should look at little closer at the science
the science says that is NOT going to be what we find
It already clearly points to the fact that those differences we see in humans by race are soooo fucking fractional that your fears are unwarranted.
we are all Africans
we all have talent
diversification of our genes merely increases the ability to find talent among us
the more talent the better we evolve as a pack of humans
remember lack of information while you make a decision will ONLY DECREASE your ability to make the best decision.
bad information in means bad decision out.
to be racist (whatever color you are and whatever color hate) is to be unable to get all you need to make that decision in the best light possible.
racists are inferior in their ability to make good decisions.
that is why we are open to people of all DNA
to claim that a society is better IF it limits the diversification in DNA in their citizens is babble if you accept known science.
History has proven over and over again that there is NOT only human talent in certain examples of human DNA
to seek to limit the range of humans containing certain DNA is to LIMIT the talent that that DNA contains and provides a society.
from every LOGICAL perspective it is counterproductive to seek such a limitation
what kind of people INSIST on clinging to myths that are completely based in non facts and examples in history?
people who find it easy to deny facts that have been offered them.
what value to a society does a group of people who can not apply facts consistantly while making their decisions?
science is the best knowledge mankind has at any given time.
bad information in means BAD decisions out
how much has mankind ALREADY fallen behind what we could have produced merely because some ass munch decides they didn't like Curly hair on the people around them?
to destroy and banish a fraction of the talent YOU WOULD HAVE HAD if you accepted all talent is very illogical and counterproductive
racism is an unintelligent and self harming world view to accept .
I have a theory as to why some people persist in this mindset even in the face of hampering their own lives and society.
In example
the white racists in American who hate brown and black people have a little problem
they in their hearts believe black and brown people are their superior.
They fear science PROVING their race is actually less talented than those people.
IF they were actually logical about the actual known facts that would be the ONLY logical reason to take that position IF you honor the facts.
maybe to get them to actually stop fearing that silly notion they should look at little closer at the science
the science says that is NOT going to be what we find
It already clearly points to the fact that those differences we see in humans by race are soooo fucking fractional that your fears are unwarranted.
we are all Africans
we all have talent
diversification of our genes merely increases the ability to find talent among us
the more talent the better we evolve as a pack of humans
remember lack of information while you make a decision will ONLY DECREASE your ability to make the best decision.
bad information in means bad decision out.
to be racist (whatever color you are and whatever color hate) is to be unable to get all you need to make that decision in the best light possible.
racists are inferior in their ability to make good decisions.