APP - It is going to get worse. Much worse

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
If you think the Democrat Media Establishment and the Deep State are done don't count on it.

The hits are going to keep coming

I predict a "new" story from the NY Times and/or Washington Post (owned by Bezos) which will quote "anonymous sources" saying that Trump knows he is going to lose and is willing to do ANYTHING to win including "collude with Russia AGAIN".

This is why these junk polls showing Biden up by 16 are being thrown out there. The polling agencies no longer care about credibility because they know that the DMIC will cover for them. But the articles will say that Biden's lead is insurmountable and that the only way Trump could possibly overcome it would be through cheating.

Of course if Trump wins on Election Night that will be all the fodder the democrat party will need to unleash ANTIFA/BLM on American. They and their Soros cronies have been training these goons for three years