APP - It is like the democrat party is trying to commit political suicide

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
So word is that Bobby Muller is slated to testify in public on July 17th. One has to ask what they are thinking. It isn't like democrats are going to be the only ones asking questions. And when people like Jordan get ahold of Muller it is going to get ugly fast


Mr. Muller. Were you not able to find any republicans to serve on your special counsel?

Mr. Muller. When did you first learn that there was no criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government?

Mr. Muller. Upon finding out there was no criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, why didn't you shut down the investigation?
It could get a lot uglier than that.
If he is smart, and i believe he is smart enough for this, he will repeat exactly what he said at his presser about referring to the report.