It is mein responsibility

For some reason, when Capt told me that he was an angel, I jumped to the conclusion that that was clearly wolfish behavior, so we should just go to an autolynch. I knew that in the seer's case you would usually just not lynch him that night and wait and see for tomorrow, but somehow I thought that the angel must be different. But it's not. I don't know how I came to this conclusion. I guess I was motivated by a self-conscious urge to disprove Mott's youngins alliance theory.

Grind said we probably couldn't have saved captain anyway (pretty sure the only person who came online in the next 15 minutes was rana). But it was still pretty stupid.

Therefore, I want to be renamed "derp derp", and I shall make this my avatar for the next week:


You are hilarious derp derp!