APP - it is time to disband NATO

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
given that nato was created to oppose the soviet block

given that the soviet block no longer exists

then nato is no longer needed and should be disbanded

ps this would save the u s of a a lot of money
throughout the world you say...not just the north atlantic states:eek:

Those states always sought to fight communism throughout the world. The importance of North Atlantic states was that they agreed to protect one another, which was the primary, but not the only, objective of NATO.
Those states always sought to fight communism throughout the world. The importance of North Atlantic states was that they agreed to protect one another, which was the primary, but not the only, objective of NATO.

the only putative communist nation of consequence is china and they are no threat to nato, however, iraq and afghanistan are sources of terrorism - like pakistan, ymen, syria etc.

more of a united nations problem than a nato problem

why should the u s of a pay to be the world's policeman while other nations benefit without paying...