APP - It isn't climate change causing the fires in California

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

The left would have you believe that climate change is responsible for the forest fires raging in California. But, this is demonstrably false.

The document above shows that California has 129 million dead trees in the state. Dead trees are nothing but fuel for fires. California has acquiesced to envirowhackos and have not done the responsible thing and eliminated those dead trees under the precept that "we don't want our trees clear cut"

Well guess what? Those trees are getting clear cut anyway from burning down. The question is whether you want to do it in an orderly fashion that will protect property and life.

Also, if climate change were really the culprit, wouldn't we see raging forest fires in all of our 50 states? California isn't the only state with trees.
I read that too, Comrade.

Liberal neglect of forestry practices has caused the raging wildfires to spread unchecked.