APP - It looks like President Obama was less than honest with the American people

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
We are asked quite frequently from our friends on the left to highlight when if ever President Obama lied to the American people

In an April 2016 interview with Chris Wallace, our esteemed Harvard Law Review President guarantees that there is ZERO influence or contact with the FBI about pending investigations as it pertained to the Clinton email probe

OBAMA: “I can guarantee. I can guarantee that not because I give Attorney General [Loretta] Lynch a directive, that is institutionally how we have always operated. I do not talk to the Attorney General about pending investigations. I do not talk to FBI directors about pending investigations. We have a strict line and always have maintained it. I guarantee it. I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department or the FBI, not just in this case but in any case. Period. Nobody gets treated differently when it comes to the Justice Department because nobody is above the law.”
WALLACE: “Even if she ends up as the Democratic nominee?”
OBAMA: “How many times do I have to say it, Chris? Guaranteed.”

However we have some new texts from the Stzrok/Page lovers that seem to throw cold water all over that statement

L"[Lisa] Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because 'potus wants to know everything we're doing,'"

So it would appear from her text that there really wasn't a firewall. I am sure that Acosta at CNN will be all over this. what did the FBI find out between Apr. '16, and Sept '16 that could possibly interest a real POTUS?
Looks like Obama was willing to lie and do whatever it took to ensure a DEMOCRAT succession to his 8-year Reign of Error.

It's likely we would never have found out if Hillary had won.