This is not your grandfather's Democratic Party.
Incredibly, several 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, including Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and Mayor Pete Buttigieg, recently called for the repeal of laws meant to protect innocent people from potentially contracting the deadly AIDS virus. These laws currently require HIV-positive individuals to disclose their status to sexual partners. It is illegal for someone to expose another person to the virus without the latter knowing about it and having the opportunity to give informed consent. Doing otherwise would be horrific and should be considered a "hate crime." Yet, as the Washington Examiner pointed out, during CNN's recent LGBT town hall, host Anderson Cooper noted that new drugs exist that make the virus "undetectable" and supposedly unable to be transmitted to someone else. Cooper opined that this means that laws criminalizing nondisclosure of the virus are "antiquated" and "based on old science."
Mayor Buttigieg concurred and said of the laws, "It's not fair, and it needs to change." As usual, Democrats are concerned with the "rights" of only perpetrators and criminals, while disparaging and mocking law-abiding citizens, the police, ICE, and any other group that contributes to societal stability and real "progress." Would it be fair to potential sexual partners of HIV-positive people if these laws were repealed? What if folks with HIV don't disclose that fact and aren't taking the drugs that prevent the transfer of the virus to others? Bummer. Hate it when that happens. Oh, well.
The Democrats are proposing repealing laws that help prevent the spread of HIV (while calling Republicans mean-spirited gay-haters); making abortion legal up until the moment of birth (or slightly after); preventing law-abiding citizens from protecting themselves and their loved ones by weakening or repealing the Second Amendment; letting anyone and everyone enter the country illegally...and then paying for their college, medical care, etc., etc.; erasing the nation's borders; banning the internal combustion engine (automobiles and airplanes); banning the extraction, processing, and use of all effective and dependable sources of energy including nuclear power; mandating the rebuilding of every structure in America and the extinction of the cow; and spending countless trillions of dollars to do all this, thus assuring the bankrupting of America and world economic collapse. Yes, let's model our economy after North Korea's, Cuba's and Venezuela's! Love that centralized government control!
October 19, 2019
Democrats call for repeal of HIV disclosure laws
By Eric Utter
A few years ago the numbers reported in a story out of that Socialist paradise, Communist China, about an AIDS epidemic was a mind blower. I tend to distrust any reports about AIDS because I always sense the U.N.'s hand is shaking the can for more money. I especially suspect China because of its forced abortion policies in its drive to achieve absolute population control. It did not seem logical to me that a government that murders children in the womb will then turn around and claim it wants to do something humane about AIDS sufferers. In any event, here are a few observations on AIDS and socialized medicine.
Sexual contact is the most common way of transmitting AIDS. I mentioned a pre-sex screening test on another board as a way to reverse the spread of that disease. Developing such a test may not be possible, but I do know that nobody ever tried. As I suggested, a saliva test would be the most effective way —— if possible. For example: People about to engage in sex could wet a piece of paper with saliva that would change color if the infection is present. Then sex is out if a prospective partner does not pass the spit test sex.
I am not saying that any test would be easy to develop, but it is worth trying for, or trying for something equally as effective like a patch test applied to the skin. With all of money the Hollywood crowd raises to fight AIDS, I have to wonder why they are not using their tremendous leverage to fund research in the direction I am suggesting?
Next on the list are tainted blood supplies. Hospitals must accept the blame for allowing this condition to exist. As has been demonstrated in Socialist countries like China, Canada, and Great Britain, there is no pressure to eliminate this problem so long as the tax dollars keep rolling in. Even in the United States many hospitals are lax in this area.
Americans are best at dealing with tainted HIV blood because of the large damage awards handed down against any institution or individual responsible for this tragic situation. Being best is not good enough. This aspect of AIDS transmission should, and can, be eliminated —— not with more money, but with less money and a damn sight more accountability from the people who benefit the most from healthcare tax dollars. I do not expect much to happen under a system of socialized medicine in any country. If AIDS decreases so does the money socialized medicine demands to treat the disease. Keep HIV/AIDS in mind whenever you hear Bernie Sanders and Cherokee Warren preach free healthcare for everybody.
American Socialists running the Democratic party never stop demanding more money for the medical industry, but have you ever heard a one of them scream about hospital administrators who never set foot in a sick room, yet earn $600,000 a year and up? Elected Socialists always know how to demand more tax money for such people, but they do not know how to solve problems.
Speaking for myself, I do not give a rat's ass if a corporate exec takes down a billion a year and a few perks as long as he or she has no hand in spreading a disease, but I do resent hospital administrators earning whatever they earn from institutions that do nothing, or next to nothing, to prevent AIDS tainted blood from ending up in patients.
I do not like to criticize doctors in general because most doctors do a good job. In the tainted blood problem, doctors have not done enough to crack down on hospitals who supply tainted blood to their doctors. As I understand it, when a doctor gives a patient a much-needed blood transfusion that doctor only gives the blood the hospital blood bank provides. My only complaint against doctors is that they do not use their clout as a group to insure that those blood supplies are safe.
Doctors in countries that have full-blown socialized medicine do not have the same kind of political power that American doctors have. American doctors have the clout to bring about change for the good of patients. Doctors under socialized medicine have infinitely more political power to conceal their shortcomings by way of government protection. If all American doctors are forced into anything resembling socialized medicine they will end up as powerless to help their patients against the government's power as are doctors in China and Canada just to mention two countries.
The way the battle against AIDS is being fought very much reminds me of the war on syphilis. When I was kid there was a movie titled Mom And Dad. It was designed to show the horrors of syphilis. All it did was try to frighten teenagers out of having sex. The movie title always puzzled me because it implies that mom and dad had the disease. (That is an early Socialist blueprint for a scare tactic if ever there was one.) That movie did not stop syphilis, nor did it stop sexual activity. In fact, I recently read that syphilis is on the rise. Preventing reckless promiscuity among the young begins and ends in the home.
Looking at the way the wars against sexually transmitted diseases are fought, I get the distinct impression that the people running society are more interested in stopping fornication than they are interested in stopping a sexually transmitted disease.
Then there is the matter of population control. I truly believe that dirty-minded moralists like nothing better than to see AIDS kill off millions every year. I seem to remember reading that Bush Senior was very much interested in overpopulation when he was Ambassador to the U.N. He never mentioned it when he was president, nor did he ever do anything to stop the current system of U.N. funding that is supposed to fight AIDS, but, in reality, guarantees population growth and the spread of AIDS through the things U.N. agencies teach children in Third World countries. Were I as cynical as I claim to be, I might say those agencies have an agenda that has little to do with preventing the spread of AIDS.
Then we have polio. Some —— not all —— in the "hospital industry" have never forgotten the lost revenues that the polio vaccine cost them since it was first discovered. This is especially true in countries where socialized medicine is the government-imposed healthcare system. Think how much higher the tax dollar medical bill would be had polio not been brought under control. The moneyed interests in the medical industry, allied with the Third World population control fanatics, could very well see AIDS as a way of making up for lost polio revenue. Those two groups wield a lot of political power; so they are not about to make the same mistake again.
The big money in medicine is not in cure, it is in treatment. No businessperson willing reduces their customer base. Businesspeople in medicine are no different than any other person who puts money above all else. Socialists, and socialized medicine in general, encourage treatment not cure. Stated another way, the public never would have heard about a polio vaccine under socialized medicine.
Incidentally, are legal immigrants coming to the U.S. tested for AIDS? Illegal aliens sure as hell are not. Maybe that is another reason Socialists running the Democratic party like open borders. More infected Americans equals more tax dollars to fight the disease. Hell, our enemies do not need biological weapons; all they have to do is ship a few hundred thousand AIDS infected illegal immigrants our way every year. If Communists do not bankrupt us with the free medicare for all, they will kill us off with an AIDS pandemic more deadly than the bubonic plague.