It took some time, but Dixie finally admitted "It appears" WMD in Iraq!


Well-known member
"Jarod, I just posted the story about the declassified report, which directly contradicts your assertion that Iraq had no WMD's. Answer my fucking questions, boy! Are you dillusional, lying, or just plain wrong?" - Dixie

"Well, there were WMD's, as the report I posted indicates. " - Dixie

"Apparently, you and Saddam lied to the American people about it, because they were discovered. I can't speak for Bush, or your careful parsing of his words to make your idiotic point, but as far as WMD's in Iraq, they were found." - Dixie

"Again, the argument was NOT whether certain specific WMD's were there, it was whether WMD's existed in Iraq or not... I think we've settled that matter, they WERE there, we found them. Now, you can argue about whether they were the right ones, or if they were dangerous, that's valid... but to try and say they didn't exist, when the reports contradict you, is absurd." - DIxie

"Again, the Pinhead argument was always... No WMD's in Iraq! Well, you were wrong." - Dixie

"I would say, it doesn't appear he had WMD at the time we invaded." - Dixie
Dixie lives his life as a propagandist for our Chimpanzee president - so he can never make up his mind what he believes or thinks. It just depends what the GOP talking points of the day are.