It Was 40 Years Ago Today . . .


. . . that Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released in the U.S., two days after the British release.

Anyone younger than thirty probably can't appreciate what an epochal event that was. Whether or not it's greatest rock 'n roll album of all time, it was the catalyst for many things, some nearly great and millions very small.

This release was akin to 'Yellow Submarine'...not really there greatest work...dontcha think??? and by the way were they not fans of the 'Beach Boys' and 'Little Richard' ...they should have stayed on path...maybe they would still be playing today...Like the 'Rolliing Stones':pke:
This release was akin to 'Yellow Submarine'...not really there greatest work...dontcha think??? and by the way were they not fans of the 'Beach Boys' and 'Little Richard' ...they should have stayed on path...maybe they would still be playing today...Like the 'Rolliing Stones':pke:
Au contraire, you cretinous curmudgeon. No disrespect to the "white album", or any other compilation of theirs, intended but Sgt. Pepper's is clearly their best work overall. It was revolutionary at the time and still more than worth listening to, from end to end, today.
Okee Dokee then...

Au contraire, you cretinous curmudgeon. No disrespect to the "white album", or any other compilation of theirs, intended but Sgt. Pepper's is clearly their best work overall. It was revolutionary at the time and still more than worth listening to, from end to end, today.

Sorry but I see it as right up there with 'Helter Skelter'...get the drift!

Drifting is what you do best, I think, Nowhere Man.

Ya thats me the 'Drifter' now are we talking movies...allah 'Clint' (High Plains Drifter) or the 'Drifters' allah music...never mind I will digress once again...and hit the button and play...

'Shout' parts one and two...The Isley Brothers...:pke:
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

. . . that Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released in the U.S., two days after the British release.

Anyone younger than thirty probably can't appreciate what an epochal event that was. Whether or not it's greatest rock 'n roll album of all time, it was the catalyst for many things, some nearly great and millions very small.

I've never been a beatles fan. And I don't even think this was the beatles best album. IMO.
. . . that Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released in the U.S., two days after the British release.

Anyone younger than thirty probably can't appreciate what an epochal event that was. Whether or not it's greatest rock 'n roll album of all time, it was the catalyst for many things, some nearly great and millions very small.

happy birthday!:clink:
Was that a little sarcasm...?

Do they play that "allah music" in islamic countries? I am not familiar with anything like that put out by the Drifters.

I suppose I made a freudian slip or maybe a 'pun' adding the 'H' to alla...but hey glad to see 'Ensign Pulver' was awake and mastered a little humor...kudos!
I suppose I made a freudian slip or maybe a 'pun' adding the 'H' to alla...but hey glad to see 'Ensign Pulver' was awake and mastered a little humor...kudos!

the "word" is actually two words en francais... a la.

But who would expect a fake bubblebutt like you to know that, eh?

"battleborne"...that name cracks me up. like some girl who would pick as her screen name "nice rack" seems so smarmy and presumptious!
I retract my kudos...

the "word" is actually two words en francais... a la.

But who would expect a fake bubblebutt like you to know that, eh?

"battleborne"...that name cracks me up. like some girl who would pick as her screen name "nice rack" seems so smarmy and presumptious!

You are just a jerk and always will be ! Now go belittle your wife while wearing your wife beater 'T'shirt:pke:

addendum: and please don't ruin a fun thread with your political BS!...Learn to have a little fun with out criticizing as in 'SP' police and nasty remarks!
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kudos? I must have missed those!

and for the record, I still listen to Sgt Peppers.... the CD is in the visor of my car, although I will admit that the one is the CD player is currently the Be Good Tanya's

maineman (considering changing my screen name to "really well hung maineman" in honor of "battleborne")
I knew it...

kudos? I must have missed those!

and for the record, I still listen to Sgt Peppers.... the CD is in the visor of my car, although I will admit that the one is the CD player is currently the Be Good Tanya's

maineman (considering changing my screen name to "really well hung maineman" in honor of "battleborne")

....see the thread "What are you listening to now?' I dedicated a song to you...
Ya you are the man 'Maineman' San Francisco maybe...
:pke: and by the way Girls are soo much more fun...but then again you being trapped at sea with all those studs...changed ya eh?
....see the thread "What are you listening to now?' I dedicated a song to you...
Ya you are the man 'Maineman' San Francisco maybe...
:pke: and by the way Girls are soo much more fun...but then again you being trapped at sea with all those studs...changed ya eh?

my wife certainly would argue with you.