It was nice to have a meal in a "normal" restaurant

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
Stopped in at the Chaparral Steakhouse on AZ 79 yesterday coming back from a property.


This place is in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway, the parking lot was full of pickups and 4 x 4's, a number of horse trailers, and there was some rodeo practice or something going on in the arena next to it.

NOBODY was wearing a mask. Social distancing? If you wanted to there was enough space you could but it didn't look like anyone was really doing that either.


That's the inside.

Anyway, people were having a good time. Kids running around too. It was so normal! It was full of people enjoying life rather than afraid of dying.

The only thing you didn't see was some preachy, whiney, pencil necked, progressive leftist in a mask sniveling about all this. It was great.
Stopped in at the Chaparral Steakhouse on AZ 79 yesterday coming back from a property.


This place is in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway, the parking lot was full of pickups and 4 x 4's, a number of horse trailers, and there was some rodeo practice or something going on in the arena next to it.

NOBODY was wearing a mask. Social distancing? If you wanted to there was enough space you could but it didn't look like anyone was really doing that either.


That's the inside.

Anyway, people were having a good time. Kids running around too. It was so normal! It was full of people enjoying life rather than afraid of dying.

The only thing you didn't see was some preachy, whiney, pencil necked, progressive leftist in a mask sniveling about all this. It was great.

You're a right wing asshole.
Stopped in at the Chaparral Steakhouse on AZ 79 yesterday coming back from a property.


This place is in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway, the parking lot was full of pickups and 4 x 4's, a number of horse trailers, and there was some rodeo practice or something going on in the arena next to it.

NOBODY was wearing a mask. Social distancing? If you wanted to there was enough space you could but it didn't look like anyone was really doing that either.


That's the inside.

Anyway, people were having a good time. Kids running around too. It was so normal! It was full of people enjoying life rather than afraid of dying.

The only thing you didn't see was some preachy, whiney, pencil necked, progressive leftist in a mask sniveling about all this. It was great.

Damn! There are no "down to earth" steakhouses around here anymore. :(

There used to be a couple. Now it's like $30 for a dinner and that's the starting point.

They weigh it to the ounce and all that..ugh!
Damn! There are no "down to earth" steakhouses around here anymore. :(

There used to be a couple. Now it's like $30 for a dinner and that's the starting point.

They weigh it to the ounce and all that..ugh!

Best part, a steak dinner there is about $20. Me and the wife spent $45 and that included drinks. Left the waitress a twenty for a tip. I figured with the craziness going on she was probably hurting a bit for cash. Had the new york. It was about an inch thick. Salad dressing is in squeeze bottles in a repurposed Budweiser six-pack bottle holder but what the hey... They even had the salt and pepper shakers, the little sugar packets, etc., right there on the table for you to use. None of the nonsense you get in Phoenix.

They get my business for being normal and rational rather than insane and paranoid.
Stopped in at the Chaparral Steakhouse on AZ 79 yesterday coming back from a property.


This place is in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway, the parking lot was full of pickups and 4 x 4's, a number of horse trailers, and there was some rodeo practice or something going on in the arena next to it.

NOBODY was wearing a mask. Social distancing? If you wanted to there was enough space you could but it didn't look like anyone was really doing that either.


That's the inside.

Anyway, people were having a good time. Kids running around too. It was so normal! It was full of people enjoying life rather than afraid of dying.

The only thing you didn't see was some preachy, whiney, pencil necked, progressive leftist in a mask sniveling about all this. It was great.

This guy will apparently eat anywhere.
A parking lot full of pickups is generally a warning sign.
Hey, it was a step up from the time I stopped there and the place was full of bikers...

Let me give you a hint, then.

If you see a restaurant parking lot where the BMW, Lexus, and Mercedes brands are over represented, then the food is probably pretty decent.
But you can't see the parking lot in most of those places.
You just see the valet who takes your car for you.
A rodeo in the vicinity is also unlikely.
Let me give you a hint, then.

If you see a restaurant parking lot where the BMW, Lexus, and Mercedes brands are over represented, then the food is probably pretty decent.
But you can't see the parking lot in most of those places.
You just see the valet who takes your car for you.
A rodeo in the vicinity is also unlikely.

That's not the case in rural areas where people don't drive beemer's and merc's. The places that are "good" are ones where the parking lot is full. Doesn't matter what the vehicle is.

The other difference is that in the rural place your bill comes and it's $20 to $30 a person, at most. The place you describe, it's the same food but $50 and up a person...

Aside from that, anybody that can afford say a Ford F350 dually crew cab towing a fifth wheel 6 horse trailer has some serious money somewhere. You're looking at something north of $100 K for all that horses extra.
That's not the case in rural areas where people don't drive beemer's and merc's. The places that are "good" are ones where the parking lot is full. Doesn't matter what the vehicle is.

The other difference is that in the rural place your bill comes and it's $20 to $30 a person, at most. The place you describe, it's the same food but $50 and up a person...

This wasn't a post to take too seriously, actually.
As an urban oriented person, I was just jokingly busting balls.

There's nothing wrong with roadside restaurants.
I've been to them too.
There are more serious things to disagree about, right?
For example, I would take the covid threat a little more seriously, for your family's sake if not your own.
This wasn't a post to take too seriously, actually.
As an urban oriented person, I was just jokingly busting balls.

There's nothing wrong with roadside restaurants.
I've been to them too.
There are more serious things to disagree about, right?

Agreed. I guess the whiney types here get me a little noid from time to time...
You're a right wing asshole.

Yep. He is.

Funny thing: We also went out to eat for the first time since everything was closed last November. It was great. The restaurant was open at 25% capacity. Other than the servers, no one was wearing a mask either except to go and from their tables. It was about the same amount of busy as it would be on any day in the middle of the week, in the middle of the afternoon. We weren't a bit worried about cooties. Didn't look like anyone else was either.

So much for the OP's idiotic "fear" rant. :laugh:
Stopped in at the Chaparral Steakhouse on AZ 79 yesterday coming back from a property.


This place is in the middle of nowhere.

Anyway, the parking lot was full of pickups and 4 x 4's, a number of horse trailers, and there was some rodeo practice or something going on in the arena next to it.

NOBODY was wearing a mask. Social distancing? If you wanted to there was enough space you could but it didn't look like anyone was really doing that either.


That's the inside.

Anyway, people were having a good time. Kids running around too. It was so normal! It was full of people enjoying life rather than afraid of dying.

The only thing you didn't see was some preachy, whiney, pencil necked, progressive leftist in a mask sniveling about all this. It was great.

sounds like the good old days of hillbilly redneck heaven- where men wore cowboy hats like morons and the sheep were nervous.

did you and any of the other cowpokes at that super spreader dance the dosie-do with each other? or would that be unfaithful to your goats and other livestock?