It will be a Merry Christmas when a certain poster is gone

Remember this....our Overlords want us at war with each other, we are easier to control that way, and their thievery is much easier to accomplish.
Name a poster you want to see being gone during Christmas and since.

Santa Claus will grant your wish.

This is a ghost town, fuck that! I want every raucus and cool poster I've ever seen to come here! :laugh:


ConHog, pillars, del, cigar, deanrd, so many..banned for bullshit.
Name a poster you want to see being gone during Christmas and since.

Santa Claus will grant your wish.

First define "being gone." Are they temp-banned? Win the lottery and off on a world cruise? In the ICU with Covid but expected to recover, some day?

It makes a difference, you know. lol
As always there are several ways to look at this.

evince is an obvious choice. totally batshit looney and invariably wrong on any topic at all. i blame the crack, maybe meth...

bidenpresident is just banal and useless

katzgar is just pointless

but domer is probably the least needed contributor in lineup.
As always there are several ways to look at this.

evince is an obvious choice. totally batshit looney and invariably wrong on any topic at all. i blame the crack, maybe meth...

bidenpresident is just banal and useless

katzgar is just pointless

but domer is probably the least needed contributor in lineup.

You definitely have the top 3 ..something down.
I know there are lots of people who enjoy having chew toys to mock and abuse but even that gets boring after a while.

Kudos to Cypress for digging up some curious topics to discuss.

Cypress is not braindead like those 3. I do not agree with him on many things. He's not braindead, though.
Name a poster you want to see being gone during Christmas and since.

Santa Claus will grant your wish.

My wishes are for more intelligent posters to join the forum, for less racism, less bigotry, and less misgogny.

Talk about a pipe dream!