Italy’s Communist Recipe for Disaster


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Giacomino Nicolazzo

Giacomino Nicolazzo is one of Italy’s most beloved writers. Born and raised in Central Pennsylvania, today he lives in a small village in Lombardy where he writes his books. TIA received this article from one of our readers, who asked us to disseminate it.

Montecalvo, Lombardy, Italy – March 24, 2020 – As I sit here in my involuntary isolation, it was just reported that overnight 743 more people died and 5,249 new cases have been reported. This brings the total cases of infection to 69,176 and the body count to 6,820. We take relief in knowing that 8,326 people have recovered so far. (Numbers as of 3/24, 8:30 pm in Italy.)

Author Giacomino Nicolazzo

Most towns here in Italy, from the upper reaches of the Alps to the ancient shores of Sicilia and Sardenia, while not deserted, are closer to being ghost towns than the bustling centers of tourism, business and daily life they were just a few weeks ago.

Stores and shops have been shuttered. Restaurants and coffee shops no longer serve customers. Schools, universities, sporting arenas… even our museums and theaters…all closed. Even the Vatican City has closed its gates and armed patrols monitor the 20-foot-tall walls that protect it!

Streets and roads are now empty for as far as the eye can see. Normally they would be filled with crazed Italian drivers in tiny cars and scooters (the ones that sound like demonic insects) darting here and there, reaching the limits of centrifugal force on our roundabouts. In the plazas of our towns and cities, there are now officially more pigeons than people.

Many of us know someone who has been infected and recovered. Some of us know someone who did not recover…now they are dead. But everyone knows someone who has been affected by this microscopic monster in one way or another.

Sixty million of us are in lockdown… it is like a war zone here. We are being held prisoner in our own homes by an unseen enemy that sneaked in unnoticed…by most of us. As you will read in just a few more minutes, there were those who knew something like this was coming… or at least they should have.

So, who is to blame? With all this craziness swirling like a whirlpool at our feet, I just had to find the blame answer. And so I have spent my free time (of which I have a lot in these days) digging and researching. I was literally shocked to discover how this has come to be.

I am not going to bore you with talk of Patient ‘0’ who spread it to Patient ‘1’ and how mathematics efficiently explains the rapid expansion of infection. No… I am going to tell you how (as I see it) the virus came to Italy.

It has everything to do with communists. Allow me to explain.

Matteo Renzi sold Florence & Italy to Communist China

Beginning in about 2014, Matteo Renzi, the imbecile ex-mayor of Firenze (Florence) acting as the leader of the Partito Democratico (synonymous with the Italian Communist party), somehow managed to get himself elected as Italy’s Prime Minister. To give you a proper frame of reference, Matteo Renzi was so far left, he would make Barack Obama look like Barry Goldwater!


[Ellanjay:]Most would believe this virus is blind in its path of spread, infection and killing. However, looking closely, one may be shocked at the evidence suggesting that, on one hand, pro-communist entities, be it a person or a state, seem more prone to get the virus, and on the other hand, the virus seems to avoid anti-communist entities. I’m quoting below a leaked Chinese local document showing that over 75% of the dead virus-victims were non-elderly Party members. Does He have His own agenda, perhaps?
