it's 4:45 and it's bright outside now and birds are chirping. annoying.


on indefiniate mod break
This is bullshit. I barely get to enjoy my nice dark carefree night before I am reminded that it's another shitty day. Is it too much to ask to be able to enter the limbo of the early morning, when few people are out and about, it is quiet everywhere, and time seems to cease and not matter? Why does it have to be ruined by these ASSHOLE BIRDS. AND THE FUCKING SUN! GO AWAY!

Anyway, good night.
I can relate. The other night I had insomnia and just as I was about to fall asleep (at around 4:30ish), the fucking birds started chirping all at once. I hate them.
I solved my bird problem with an owl and a pellet gun. Now the nights belong to me and my bats.

Did anyone else notice how the birds in the White House Rose Garden were busily heckling Obama long before that asswhole reporter cut in? :D