It’s a Cranky Old Persons Party hoc nonsense. I have no love for the Republicans but this is just one convoluted mess.
I can't even force myself to read much of it..

I'm all for single pay, but i'm not all for erasing our history
( and if seeing a Confederate statue bothers you -too bad -it's historical- learn from our Civil War)

the problem is the left is culturally hijacked by PC nonsense and the right clings to their guns and bibles.
"Clowns to the left of me -Jokers to the right" as it were

It’s been evident for sometime with this modern Republican Party.

Wisdom is created via life's experience. It beats the hell out of ignorant emotionalism and a mob mentality. Only the ignorant pay no attention or learn from wisdom...and it shows. But...if you must, GO AHEAD, place your hand on that hot surface and see for yourself....ITS HOT, pay no attention to people who know.

The problem with being young and stupid? The stupid (young) do not seem to comprehend that the old have been where the young have been already and there is no way in hell that the young could have ever been or seen what the old have witnessed first hand.

That's the major problem in this nation, there's just too many 40something children running around calling themselves MATURE....when they have never grown up enough to know the difference between shit and applebutter. They are spoiled asses living the good life standing on the shoulders of the previous generations who have sacrificed everything so their children and grandchildren might have the freedoms they now take for granted...especially the last two MTV and IPOD generations who think their SAFE SPACE is a right of birth....instead of having been paid previously in BLOOD, by the greatest generation to have ever walked the earth in this nation. And now you are pissing on their graves? That's mighty liberal(libertarian) and tolerant of you.
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Wisdom is created via life's experience. It beats the hell out of ignorant emotionalism and a mob mentality. Only the ignorant pay no attention or learn from wisdom...and it shows. But...if you must, GO AHEAD, place your hand on that hot surface and see for yourself....ITS HOT, pay no attention to people who know.

The problem with being young and stupid? The stupid (young) do not seem to comprehend that the old have been where the young have been already and there is no way in hell that the young could have ever been or seen what the old have witnessed first hand.

That's the major problem in this nation, there's just too many 40something children running around calling themselves MATURE....when they have never grown up enough to know the difference between shit and applebutter. They are spoiled asses living the good life standing on the shoulders of the previous generations who have sacrificed everything so their children and grandchildren might have the freedoms they now take for granted...especially the last two MTV and IPOD generations who think their SAFE SPACE is a right of birth....instead of having been paid previously in BLOOD, by the greatest generation to have ever walked the earth in this nation. And now you are pissing on their graves? That's mighty liberal(libertarian) and tolerant of you.

It really makes you wonder if this generation would be willing to volunteer in droves and fight like the "greatest generation" did to protect this nation in WWII.
There's no doubt that our present military enlistees would, and do, but how many others would give up their video games and cell phones? Very few, I would assume.
sure.....we don't want to change taxes, we don't want to change Obamacare, we don't want to change Obama's foreign policy, we don't want to change deficit spending.......

What do you expect from a party that no longer call themselves DEMOCRATS.....but PROGRESSIVES (buzz word for social secularism/commuism) in spite of the fact they still use the same playbook that FDR, Chamberlain and the communist radical
Saul Alinsky used? Real progressive.....if you consider 60-80 years behind in the times PROGRESSIVE. They are the party of SELF....even the majority of those labeling themselves LIBERTARIAN who are nothing but Rhino/democrats pretending to be something they are not, constitutional fundamentalists. hoc nonsense. I have no love for the Republicans but this is just one convoluted mess.
I can't even force myself to read much of it..

I'm all for single pay, but i'm not all for erasing our history
( and if seeing a Confederate statue bothers you -too bad -it's historical- learn from our Civil War)

the problem is the left is culturally hijacked by PC nonsense and the right clings to their guns and bibles.
"Clowns to the left of me -Jokers to the right" as it were
Funny, this is how I feel about the majority of your posts, unreadable jibberish!

How come this Republican Congress can’t pass anything in both houses?

I won’t expect a coherrant reply! hoc nonsense. I have no love for the Republicans but this is just one convoluted mess.
I can't even force myself to read much of it..

I'm all for single pay, but i'm not all for erasing our history
( and if seeing a Confederate statue bothers you -too bad -it's historical- learn from our Civil War)

the problem is the left is culturally hijacked by PC nonsense and the right clings to their guns and bibles.
"Clowns to the left of me -Jokers to the right" as it were

then learn who and why those statues were built you fucking russian lie bag

they were built well after the civil war to SCARE then black population in those areas

try facts asshole
Funny, this is how I feel about the majority of your posts, unreadable jibberish!

How come this Republican Congress can’t pass anything in both houses?

I won’t expect a coherrant reply!

Bickering, grandstanding and just general stupidity. This is their chance to change things. Falling flat on their faces.
I'm all for single pay, but i'm not all for erasing our history
( and if seeing a Confederate statue bothers you -too bad -it's historical- learn from our Civil War)

the problem is the left is culturally hijacked by PC nonsense and the right clings to their guns and bibles.
"Clowns to the left of me -Jokers to the right" as it were

No one wants to erase the history.

Statues are for honoring people, and the people who fought to preserve slaver don't need to be honored, whatever you think of them fighting to secede. That is not respectful to many people and that includes African Americans.

It'd be a bit like putting up statues honoring Nazi leaders in Jewish communities in New York.

Do you give a crap about treating people offended by the praise of slavery that badly? How are they supposed to feel watching people say 'ya, slaver fighters, our heroes!'?