The hybrid socialist-free market economies of Scandinavia are among most admired socio-economic systems in human history.
Teabaggers have a vested interest is trying to conflate socialism with the totalitarian Leninist state epitomized by the Soviet Union. For very obvious reasons. Because the hybrid socialist-free market economies of northern Europe are shining examples of success stories in human history.
Vladimir Lenin detested liberals, democracy, and democratic socialism.
Albert Einstein was the most credible and influential person of the 20th century to argue on behalf of democratic socialism in the face of the immorality of unrestrained capitalism
A good model of a successful hybrid economy, one which combines elements of democratic socialism, a generous welfare state, and regulated entrepreneurship is Norway - some lessons could be learned from them.
The Norwegian government owns substantial portions of the nation's energy, oil, gas, hydroelectric, banking, telecommunications, and financial services. In trust and on behalf of the Norwegian people. And in doing so, they are able to maintain a high standard of living and a generous social welfare state.