It's about time !


Villified User
Military Offers More Dignified Rites

Apr 6, 3:43 PM (ET)


In an about-face by the U.S. government four years into the war in Iraq, America's fallen troops are being brought back to their families aboard charter jets instead of ordinary commercial flights, and the caskets are being met by honor guards in white gloves instead of baggage handlers with forklifts.

That change - which took effect quietly in January and applies to members of the U.S. military killed in Afghanistan, too - came after a campaign waged by a father who was aghast to learn that his son's body was going to be unloaded like so much luggage.

John Holley said an airline executive told him that was the "most expeditious" way to get the body home.

I guess bush is really running scared after the nov election.
Military Offers More Dignified Rites

Apr 6, 3:43 PM (ET)


In an about-face by the U.S. government four years into the war in Iraq, America's fallen troops are being brought back to their families aboard charter jets instead of ordinary commercial flights, and the caskets are being met by honor guards in white gloves instead of baggage handlers with forklifts.

That change - which took effect quietly in January and applies to members of the U.S. military killed in Afghanistan, too - came after a campaign waged by a father who was aghast to learn that his son's body was going to be unloaded like so much luggage.

John Holley said an airline executive told him that was the "most expeditious" way to get the body home.

I guess bush is really running scared after the nov election.

usc, do you know if they were always handled this way? I can't believe that we needed to make this change.
They have been during Bush. I did not witness this end of any in Nam, but they left on military transports from Nam as far as I know.
I don't know about the firts Gulf war, but not many died.

I guess Bush only suppoprts live troops :rolleyes: