It's been 6 MONTHS since alec baldwin gunned down Halyna Hutchins - STILL NO CHARGES

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
We all remember what happened to Kim Potter when she accidentally killed a super thug she was LEGALLY ALLOWED TO KILL. Immediately charged with manslaughter and then convicted and sentenced to 2 years in prison. What baldwin did was inexcusable and a thousand times worse but he's a lib and he gets away with it.
Thre will not be any. It was an accident.

HAHAHA. That's what drunk drivers say after they kill someone. It's not enough to say "i didn't mean to kill her". If you were negligent then it's till manslaughter and baldwin was extremely negligent. He broke the two biggest rules of gun safety. Always check the gun yourself to see if it's loaded and never point a gun at someone unless you want to kill them as in self defense.

If he was a conservative actor like say james woods, the press would be demanding 20 years and they'd get it.
HAHAHA. That's what drunk drivers say after they kill someone. It's not enough to say "i didn't mean to kill her". If you were negligent then it's till manslaughter and baldwin was extremely negligent. He broke the two biggest rules of gun safety. Always check the gun yourself to see if it's loaded and never point a gun at someone unless you want to kill them as in self defense.

If he was a conservative actor like say james woods, the press would be demanding 20 years and they'd get it.

Don't make such outrageous claims. Is your dementia kicking in again?
Means nothing. He may pay some money to end it. But that proves nothing. Trump has used that his whole life. Baldwin is fine. His biggest problems are his having to deal with killing another human being and the impact it has on his career.

The state of New Mexico launched a major investigation and concluded that Baldwins movie set was operated with "plain indifference to employee safety"....this is a further hit to his reputation.
The state of New Mexico launched a major investigation and concluded that Baldwins movie set was operated with "plain indifference to employee safety"....this is a further hit to his reputation.

His reputation and career may be seriously damaged. But there was no crime.
His reputation and career may be seriously damaged. But there was no crime.

You are one of those morons that think if you kill someone but you didn't intend to, then it's not a crime.!!! You think drunk drivers and speeders who kill are also not criminals .

The law and common sense says if you kill someone accidentally but also negligently then you are guilty of the crime of manslaughter. Baldwin was much more negligent than kim potter and she got 2 years.
You are one of those morons that think if you kill someone but you didn't intend to, then it's not a crime.!!! You think drunk drivers and speeders who kill are also not criminals .

The law and common sense says if you kill someone accidentally but also negligently then you are guilty of the crime of manslaughter. Baldwin was much more negligent than kim potter and she got 2 years.

You are an idiot who hates so badly that it makes you illogical and demented. How can you live with so much hate? In Baldwin's case, he was told he had a gun that could not shoot bullets. She was a trained professional who knew she was carrying lethal weapons.