It's begging to look a lot like Christmas.

I don't think the light snow mixed with rain will progress here in Seattle. The temperature is staying above 30*

Merely holidays, Mott!
Happ Xmas to you, oh if you could just get too and to right, that's a start!!
You know, I usually do when I'm writing off line and can proof read and edit what I've writen. I also have trouble with than/then and their/there/they're.

Merry Christmas Tom and to your lovely bride too. :) (how's that?)
a happy momment to all of you at this christmas time.

Some year soon it will be a little more peaceful.

some year coming soon we will work together more.

some year coming soon this country will reagain a little innocence.

The inocence you gain from childrens smiles and wonderment that wont be shadowed by having to explain how children get murdered right before they have a chance to write their christmas lists or get to have a sneek into mom and dads closet to find the goodies.

a more innocent christmas where we can rest our heads a little easier because we have done EVERYTHING possible to never allow another christmas to have to include the quiet tears of all of us over children who will never get to be a parent are not so present.
Well, we killed a lot of Natives, forced Africans into slavery, invented the Democratic Party and built Monticello, stole a chunk of land from Mexico, and then we engaged in a bloody civil war.

Then the Gatling gun was invented...
Well, we killed a lot of Natives, forced Africans into slavery, invented the Democratic Party and built Monticello, stole a chunk of land from Mexico, and then we engaged in a bloody civil war.

Then the Gatling gun was invented...
Worse. We made Washington a State!