its bulklshit


God Bless America
fuck you liberals
taken 30% or my payecheck FUCK YOU ASSHOLES


ok im a little drunk si bear with me...
That's a manful thing to do, own up when you're posting drunk :clink:

Of course the crappy spelling was a clue. And the syntax.

I'm impressed with bulklshit though. That's an innovation. Can we get it in the spellcheck Damo?
That's a manful thing to do, own up when you're posting drunk :clink:

Of course the crappy spelling was a clue. And the syntax.

I'm impressed with bulklshit though. That's an innovation. Can we get it in the spellcheck Damo?

Bulklshit is a good word.

I suppose this is the new version of getting drunk and calling friends late at night?
I lose roughly a third of my paycheck to our friendly government taxes.
I read an article not long ago about a proposal in CA (where most american porn is made) to start taxing it.

So don't be to hasty with your "thank gawd".
LOL ,oh charver your posts are a fine thing in the moring.

Heres what I love. if those taxes were eliminated this little guy actually thinks he would still get paid the same. Those funds would ahve never made it into his paycheck. They are the cost of doing business for the corp. His pay would be cut accordingly if those taxes were not included and he would be living in a very messed up country.
It just blows me away that they can not figure out that no matter what way we structure taxes the little guy will pay for it in the end.

Its the cost of having a decent country that can compete in a global market. They can wax remorseful all they want in their little Ayn Rand fantasies but reality is if we cut taxes and allow our infrastructure, schools and services to crumble we will be a third world country in just a decade or two. Their grandkids will be cursing their names for taking a great country and destroying it.
It's a mindset Desh. They're locked in, you won't be able to change them. You could show them an hour long horror documentary replete with facts and they'd blame it on Michael Moore.

We (Australia) have them too. But they are lately being consigned to the status of nutter relatives one doesn't talk about. In time they will be forgotten.
It's resilient. It was born out of a need to reject colonialist repression. Its ideals were produced in the white-hot furnace of intellectualism that sprang from the Enlightenment (your Founding Fathers were men of impeccable intellect and liberal education). It gave the rest of the world a beacon of hope. It was an example of how things could be done when ideas such as the Divine Right of Kings were destroyed.

When I think about what the rest of the world looked like in 1776 (my preferred starting point) I am in awe of what the founders achieved. The rest of the world was mired in despotism. It was a bloody horrible place!

England, long regarded as the bastion of liberal thinking, was, at that time (I know Americans know this) ruled by a despot. It was a long time later that Britain started to become a true democracy.

BushCheney is a terrible blip but a blip nonetheless.

Business as usual soon.