Its come full Circle, now its the Catholics fault!

I'm starting to feel sorry for him. Not because of this, who knows if it's even true, though statisically it probably is. But just because he's getting so piled on, I don't know how he's not seriously considering suicide.

On the other hand, if the teenagers involved in this eventually have their names become known, then that would be tragic.

It's freaking crazy. I hope the Republican leadership gets what's coming to them though.
I heard on the news that when Hastert was origionally asked if he was told about the dirty emails months ago, he responded, "I dont remember."

Okay, one of two things here.

1. He was lying, thats the almost better explination because I could see how I would want to lie about such a thing.


2. He really did not remember... how could you not remember being told a male member of congress was sending dirty email to a teenage boy?
Foley is trying to play the victim, Oh what a typical Republican accepting personal responsibility for his actions. NOT!
Whiney assed pervert, take your medicine for your actions is my thought.