It's Friday the 13th...

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
So, was it disastrous for you? Mine went great. No being axe murdered, no being attacked by guys in hockey masks, nada, nothing. How about you? :)
Biden is still President. :)

So, was it disastrous for you? Mine went great. No being axe murdered, no being attacked by guys in hockey masks, nada, nothing. How about you? :)

I am sure the fable of Friday the 13th had a serious affect on tRump's deplorable relationship with humanity, and tRump's un American repuke's anti vax and anti mask cult followers as the GQP continues to wage war on the Constitutional Republic of the U.S.
Wasn't Dotard supposed to be installed as president?

I was looking forward to greeting the lizard people.

That darn pillow guy.

That is the last 5000 pillows I ever buy again.
Bare knuckle fights. They permit it.

For all AIBA Competitions, the ring is 6.10m square inside
the line of the ropes. The size of the apron extends 85cm
outside the line of the ropes on each side, including additional
canvas necessary to tighten and secure it. The height of the
ring is 100cm from the ground.


“Chivato” is attributed to a person who acts as an informer.
Basically it's the kind of person who secretly tell someone
in authority that someone else has done something bad,
often in order to cause trouble: in English we call these
people “Snitch”

What’s under the shorts? The gloves cover half your arm. Between the elbow and wrist.
More so often your arms swell then breaking your hand. The thumb is stitched.
So, was it disastrous for you? Mine went great. No being axe murdered, no being attacked by guys in hockey masks, nada, nothing. How about you? :)

It was a lovely day, personally and weather-wise as well. And when we woke up early on the 14th, #TRE45ON was still not POTUS. :laugh:
So, was it disastrous for you? Mine went great. No being axe murdered, no being attacked by guys in hockey masks, nada, nothing. How about you? :)

I thought this thread was going to be about Donald Trump's glorious reinstatement as President after a 9 to zero Supreme Court vote.

As for superstitions and folk tales, I haven't bought into them since becoming an educated adult. Although my so claims our icons bring us good fortune, and who is going to tell the so they are wrong?
Can you tell the difference?

Yeah! He has a mouth piece and he’s not spitting teeth.
The ref gave him a standing 8 count.

The other guy at home has problems with his wife. There he is standing across the street.

[video]2020 Houston Golden Gloves (178 Sub-novice semi-finals)[/video]