It's official: Dems send bush bill with deadline for withdrawl


Will work for Scooby snacks
With the inevitable veto, Iraq becomes 100% a republican war. They own it. That's the political reality. GOP: Prepare to run on your war in 2008. Maybe it will miraculously become a jeffersonian democracy by then. I certainly hope so. But, I live in the world of facts and reality. Not the world of dreams.

WASHINGTON, April 23 — Congressional Democrats agreed Monday to ignore President Bush’s veto threat and send him a $124 billion war spending bill that orders the administration to begin pulling troops out of Iraq by Oct. 1.
The republicans who will be up for reelection in 08 have to be scared shitless about this. They know what's coming.
Yep , the most balls I have seen the dems show so far. This will be the monkeys second veto in 7 years ?