It's official: I hate Bush


New member
I have always said I'm not a "Bush hater" - I just think the man is exceedingly underqualified for the job which he has been given.

However, after hearing his remarks about Gonzalez's resignation, I have changed my mind.

"Good name dragged through the mud...for political reasons..."

Are you kidding me?

This is what they do. This is ALL they do. How many good names have been shredded to further the agenda of this admin?

I hate him...

Gonzales got what he deserved...he pissed off alot of Conservatives when he failed to fire the idiot Prosecutor from Texas who loved to hate BP agents and any other Sheriff Deputy who did their assigned job on the Border...Maybe Gonzales was the one who pushed the issue in the first place..but so far we haven't heard a word from the Texas axe man...I will wait patiently..albeit I am free unlike the BP agents and the Texas Deputy!
Gonzales got what he deserved...he pissed off alot of Conservatives when he failed to fire the idiot Prosecutor from Texas who loved to hate BP agents and any other Sheriff Deputy who did their assigned job on the Border...Maybe Gonzales was the one who pushed the issue in the first place..but so far we haven't heard a word from the Texas axe man...I will wait patiently..albeit I am free unlike the BP agents and the Texas Deputy!

Don't guess lying under oath was enough to make conservatives dislike him.
I'll be glad when he's out, that said they both have better educations and are way smarter than you lorax:clink:
yeah Darla that was why the cons reacted so heavially against the european law against praising criminals :D