Its Official

Minister of Truth

Practically Perfect
My piece of shit 1994 Lincoln Continental is toast. Tomorrow I am going back up to the Goodyear to clean all my personal effects out/off, and pay the towing and diagnostics. Then they will have someone haul it off to a junkyard. The motor is busted, and the cost to replace ($3300) is more than I bought it for ($2500 off an old guy who was practically giving it away to me).

List of items that have gone wrong with it since I bought it in 2005:

Alternator broken
A/C broken
Battery dead and wiring clogged/corroded
Brakes broken
Window regulator broken, never replaced
Locks busted
Antenna knocked off
Air suspension system broken, car converted to mechanical suspension
Radiator leaking into coolent
Coolent leaking into radiator
Starter fluid degraded and caught preemtively during tune-up
Rotator valve in oil pump broken
Rotator valve placed back on properly by different mechanic
Oil gauge broken, never replaced
Washer fluid dispensor clogged, partially unclogged
Loss of electrical control over passenger side mirror
Loss of driver control over passenger window (just to move down, able to move up)
Rear-view mirror felled, several unsuccessful attempts to reattach, including one botched attempt where the adhesive tore off a chunck of glass when felled.

Probably other things I forgot to mention.

Today I was supposed to go on a picknick to scenic Deception Pass, but the car started dying twenty minutes into the trip. I was eventually towed to Tacoma, and stranded at the Mall for a few hours. Lovely day. I had to walk around on an ankle that I twisted while running yesterday as well.
that sucks...when i went off to college i sold my sports car, bought a 1978 ford granada for $900 bucks, 78K odom owned solely by an old lady and the only problem i had was the heater core, which i replaced myself with a heater core from another granada at a junk yard for $50....we called the hooptee...she sailed 3 in the front and up to 4 in the back, depending on width of said fat asses...i rolled around in style getting a whopping 14 miles to the gallon

but i floated and sailed on US highways like it was nobody's business and when a party car was needed...yeah, whose car was called up for duty....dear ol' yurt's

WM jerks himself off while driving around. I prefer to designate responsibility in this area to some hot blonde and her mouth, but that's just me...


