It's that time of year again


The temperature is rising towards the steaminess of the Hong Kong summer. But for a few weeks evenings have had a pleasant ease about them As we gather neath the still palms at our usual table to the cacophony of gossip and romance friends drop by asking us to marvel at the extraordinary progress of their latest addition. 'My, hasnt he grown?'

'Yes, he'll be working soon.' ha .....ha ........ha .

The Tsing Tao seems to taste better on evenings like this, but the ladies are suspicious about the labelling of the wine. Does the bar fill good labels with poor California plonk? It’s been known before.

Serious talk is about next weekend. 'Have you got your tickets?' 'This might be our last year, $1200 is a bit steep. And then you probably need to take Monday off!’

The Sevens are here again, that annual orgy of booze, high spirits, hoarse voices and, of course, rugby. We'll try to get our usual seats close to the South African contongent and with a fair smattering of Aussies . The banter is amazing as it usually is where such diverse people share an over riding passion. The Vuvuzelas have been evident in recent years in our little corner but when a good match is on the ‘musicians’ either shut up or have great difficulty walking back to their hotels!

We are proud to announce to anyone who cares, that our eleven year old grandson will be playing in the 'mini-international' against Thailand on Thursday and in the 'mini rugby' programme on Saturday. He is a member of the Flying Kukris club and this is his first appearance playing in public.

So I will meet some of the lads on Friday for a liquid lunch in the midst of a just awakening red light area and we will stroll to the ground past the half hearted and bleary eyed entreaties of scantily clad, and usually drop dead gorgeous, hookers and dancers who represent the early shift. This will be one of their busiest weekends!

England are playing China at five to six so there will be ample time to lubricate the chords before the teams hit the pitch.

Once again we welcome our colonial cousins from america. Bless em, they try so hard and they bring some nice supporters with them. With the nice ones gone the homeland must be pretty dire for the next week.

This from the officials:
The biggest threat to England in this pool and possessing genuine world class in the Sevens game. Captain Matt Hawkins is a fine forward; former wide receiver Zach Test a lynchpin who has been moulded by Al Caravelli into a very good hooker and who is almost without peer in the re-start aerial combat; Paul Emerick is all muscle and aggression and watch out too for Miles Craigwell - still a Miami Dolphin just a few months ago. Todd Clever's return following a pro season in Japan is also timely, given the need for extra experience in Hong Kong.

IF I go straight home afterwards and IF I havent exerted myself too much I will be back on Saturday to watch the grandson at about 8.30am and still be shouting for a favourite team at end of play at about 7.30 pm.

I have issued a tentstive warning that I might have to bail out mid arvo because of the old ticker, if I am to be back on Sunday for the Cup, Plate and Bowl.

I am supposed to restrict my booze intake to no more than two cans a day...... FAT CHANCE!!