It's the bomb baby, or (How i attempted to blow up Britain but failed)


You lookin' at my pint?
Greetings my friends.

Actually most of you probably don't even remember my pitiful self.

Nevertheless, the few who do remember me will probably tell you that i'm "an ass hole"...(preferably in that Arnold Schwarzenegger type Terminator voice).

Whatever (expressed in a cracking faux southernn California accent) i'm back and you'll just have to live with it, bitches.

You may well, or may not, be aware that the good state of Great Britain has been the subject of multiple terrorist type attacks over the past couple of days. Happily, the combination of the inept psychopathic, and downright delusional, fundamentalist mentality has combined with the inherent ineptness, and maladroit bungling, of the verminous extremist Islamic demeanor to cock things up royally.

One day these pricks are going to have some foresight and things will run smoothly, resulting in a lot of deaths. I'm sure Allah is working night and day to pull some strings, here and there, to facilitate a nice suicide bomb or two. What could be more equitable, eh?

Religion, simply a wonderful device.
Greetings my friends.

Actually most of you probably don't even remember my pitiful self.

Nevertheless, the few who do remember me will probably tell you that i'm "an ass hole"...(preferably in that Arnold Schwarzenegger type Terminator voice).

Whatever (expressed in a cracking faux southernn California accent) i'm back and you'll just have to live with it, bitches.

You may well, or may not, be aware that the good state of Great Britain has been the subject of multiple terrorist type attacks over the past couple of days. Happily, the combination of the inept psychopathic, and downright delusional, fundamentalist mentality has combined with the inherent ineptness, and maladroit bungling, of the verminous extremist Islamic demeanor to cock things up royally.

One day these pricks are going to have some foresight and things will run smoothly, resulting in a lot of deaths. I'm sure Allah is working night and day to pull some strings, here and there, to facilitate a nice suicide bomb or two. What could be more equitable, eh?

Religion, simply a wonderful device.
As you may know, I have just posted a thread wherein I question whether this rash of threats and these latest twiobombs cars were real, or a fraud to keep the terror factor up. I can't beleive these terrorists (if they really are) can be as inept as they appear to be.
Lots and lots of work...i hate work.

I'm quite pissed off, not just about the work thing, though. Terror attacks will be followed by a massive attack on civil liberties and the populace will happily acquiesce to massive government control, thanks to the education system producing a conveyer belt of unquestioning robots.

Maybe it's the mood i'm in at the moment but, i think we're fucked after this. I think the population will go along with anything if there's a succesful attack.
Then we can all fight a war against an enemy who wishes to destroy "our way of life" by destroying every tenet of fundamental rights which human beings hold dear.

Christ, what a miserable bugger, eh?
Lots and lots of work...i hate work.

I'm quite pissed off, not just about the work thing, though. Terror attacks will be followed by a massive attack on civil liberties and the populace will happily acquiesce to massive government control, thanks to the education system producing a conveyer belt of unquestioning robots.

Maybe it's the mood i'm in at the moment but, i think we're fucked after this. I think the population will go along with anything if there's a succesful attack.
Then we can all fight a war against an enemy who wishes to destroy "our way of life" by destroying every tenet of fundamental rights which human beings hold dear.

Christ, what a miserable bugger, eh?
This is why I disagree with heavy-handed tactics. We destroy our own way of life for a bit of security? And I don't think it makes us any more secure. Most are patches on the "feeling" of people rather than strong measures to control such things.
The government in the UK will attempt to force through 90 day detention and associated measures. The fact that the security services, as far as we know now, didn't have a clue about these latest plots, wouldn't have any bearing on the popular outcry for "something to be done" about "it".

Once it's acceptable here, perhaps it'll be acceptable in the US.

Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
I dont think the people will go for it anymore.

I think the masses have had enough of this fear and cowering.

There is trouble afoot for the would be dictators of this western world.
The government in the UK will attempt to force through 90 day detention and associated measures. The fact that the security services, as far as we know now, didn't have a clue about these latest plots, wouldn't have any bearing on the popular outcry for "something to be done" about "it".

Once it's acceptable here, perhaps it'll be acceptable in the US.

Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.
Sorry, but that should read

Nothing to hide, and fear everything.
Greetings my friends.

Actually most of you probably don't even remember my pitiful self.

Nevertheless, the few who do remember me will probably tell you that i'm "an ass hole"...(preferably in that Arnold Schwarzenegger type Terminator voice).

Whatever (expressed in a cracking faux southernn California accent) i'm back and you'll just have to live with it, bitches.

You may well, or may not, be aware that the good state of Great Britain has been the subject of multiple terrorist type attacks over the past couple of days. Happily, the combination of the inept psychopathic, and downright delusional, fundamentalist mentality has combined with the inherent ineptness, and maladroit bungling, of the verminous extremist Islamic demeanor to cock things up royally.

One day these pricks are going to have some foresight and things will run smoothly, resulting in a lot of deaths. I'm sure Allah is working night and day to pull some strings, here and there, to facilitate a nice suicide bomb or two. What could be more equitable, eh?

Religion, simply a wonderful device.

Hey Charver!

Keep a stiff upper lip mate.

If these two morons are the best the jihaddists can throw at us, we're in good shape. I mean, what a couple of inept knuckleheads! Lighting themselves on fire, and then crashing the car???!!! I'm hardly quaking with fear.