It's The Rhetoric, Stupid


Althea told me...
After years of hearing our Republican leaders call for '2nd amendment solutions', or trump rallying the '2nd amendment people' to 'take care' of Hillary, or Ted Cruz raising money from the NRA crowd by claiming gun rights are necessary to protect us from the govt.........we have finally arrived at the destination.

After yesterday's shooting, our leaders have been non stop on all forms of media calling for a 'toning down' of the rhetoric between both sides of the aisle.

We have Republican moneyed interests, threatening any politician with a primary challenge if they DARE to work with Democrats, and these morons think this is about the rhetoric? It's been 10 years since Congress got anything done, that hasn't been bought and paid for by Big Pharma/Oil/Corn/Sugar/Agriculture, etc.

Really? They think this is about rhetoric?

It appears that they haven't learned anything from this incident.