I've decided to make a new party!


Hi Friend,

Are you tired of voting Democrat or maybe Green and only having government take over life's responsibilities in baby steps like healthcare and daycare?
Are you finding the whole "freedom to make your own decisions" is just not for you?

Well there's no need to fuck around with that anymore, introducing the "Serf Party"!
With the Serf Party, you don't just pay little bit by little bit more of your paycheck for programs to take care of you, you don't get a paycheck, instead your master, uh sorry your government, will take all the money and pay for your food, education, healthcare, retirement and the whole shabang. Not only do you get to revert to serfdom, but you subvert having to be called a commie, no instead you become one hip swinging serf.

Get in on all the action this election in 2008 and let's turn back time to the better serfy years that your forefathers fought against for their freedom. Make progressiveness come full circle!
I still think the "Higher Taxes" party is a better idea.

How can you go higher than 100% ? Come on man, back to serfdom, let the government/master worry about all the responsibility, you just work and hand over the whole check. Universal healthcare, daycare, retirement and so on. No more responsibilities, no more going without "coverage" and paying when and if you decide to.
You'd love it.
That's why I think everybody should be educated, Dano. So that they can't taken advantage of by people like that. Most communitarians, after all, are uneducated. And the only group that really voted for Goldwater in signifigant numbers were the college educated. Why should we force someone into a further generational pit of ignorance simply because their parents were poor?
You have absolutely no sense of humor. Chill, Dano.

Nope, I find it sickening reading all your posts on forced paying for universal healthcare - so this is very serious.
If you really want to lower taxes in healthcare, privatize Medicaid/Medicare, no fucking socialistic universal healthcare, I'm not going to be dragged back to serfdom.
Nope, I find it sickening reading all your posts on forced paying for universal healthcare - so this is very serious.
If you really want to lower taxes in healthcare, privatize Medicaid/Medicare, no fucking socialistic universal healthcare, I'm not going to be dragged back to serfdom.

K drama queen.

Universal healthcare = the next day a dictatorship. This has been proven in all the nations that tried it.
In America, you can choose to go without healthcare. But your still paying as much in taxes to not get healthcare as a person in France is who has constant access to it.
That's why I think everybody should be educated, Dano. So that they can't taken advantage of by people like that. Most communitarians, after all, are uneducated. And the only group that really voted for Goldwater in signifigant numbers were the college educated. Why should we force someone into a further generational pit of ignorance simply because their parents were poor?
Communists in China, Cuba and the USSR were well enough educated. It's not a question of education that guarantees freedom, it's a question of critical thinking by individuals. I learned far more on my own than in school.

We are not FORCING anyone into anything by not paying for their (college) education (or anything else for that matter), it is an investment for them individually for a job that will later pay more than if they had chosen to forgo an education.
K drama queen.

Universal healthcare = the next day a dictatorship. This has been proven in all the nations that tried it.
Try universal universal, the next generation, universal daycare and public car insurance (ie: Canada), the next generation ____, the next generation ____....

You tell me where it stops, and I mean a tangible stop.
In America, you can choose to go without healthcare. But your still paying as much in taxes to not get healthcare as a person in France is who has constant access to it.

Yes, I've heard you spout that argument, and you've never responded to my 2 counterpoints:

1. That just shows how incredibly inept OUR government is at managing cost in healthcare for the poor and aged, why would you trust their shitty record with everyone?

2. Why is the solution national healthcare, when the obvious solution is to get costs down and privatize off or change limits for Medicare and Medicaid to get people weened off them and taxes down for all so they can more easily buy their own healthcare.
BS, leftwing countries with more government in healthcare cost thousands more in taxes.
By having gov pay, you are removing any incentive for people to not use healthcare for times when they don't really need it, like doctor's visits for the sniffles.

I just love how you try to blame our exorborant healthcare costs on people going to the doctor for trivial things. Yeah - that's it.


Medicare budget: 390,782,000,000
Medicaid/SCHIP budget: 209,310,000,000
All other programs: 33,437,000,000

Medicare + medicaid = 600,219,000,000

Medicare + medicaid / US population (301,139,947) = $1993 per a person


$1,986.00 per capita
1. That just shows how incredibly inept OUR government is at managing cost in healthcare for the poor and aged, why would you trust their shitty record with everyone?

Maybe we can use a different system? Hmmmm...

2. Why is the solution national healthc are, when the obvious solution is to get costs down and privatize off or change limits for Medicare and Medicaid to get people weened off them and taxes down for all so they can more easily buy their own healthcare.

How would that lower insurance costs? Sure, you may be able to lower taxes on the lowest bracket 1 or 2 percent. That's not enough to make up for the 30% of their income they'll be paying in insurance, most of which goes to line the pockets of insurance company CEO's.
1. That just shows how incredibly inept OUR government is at managing cost in healthcare for the poor and aged, why would you trust their shitty record with everyone?

Maybe we can use a different system? Hmmmm...
Yeah because that worked so well for giving the government full control/funding for education. Non stop tax increases, requests for more funding, half of education tax dollars actually making it to the classroom.
It's a fucking disaster.

2. Why is the solution national healthc are, when the obvious solution is to get costs down and privatize off or change limits for Medicare and Medicaid to get people weened off them and taxes down for all so they can more easily buy their own healthcare.

How would that lower insurance costs? Sure, you may be able to lower taxes on the lowest bracket 1 or 2 percent. That's not enough to make up for the 30% of their income they'll be paying in insurance, most of which goes to line the pockets of insurance company CEO's.
BULLSHIT, in a truly free market with competition, profit is very low, certainly WAY lower than government bureaucracy costs.
And you don't understand how markets work, with employers not paying more for healthcare, they have more money to be spent on employees salaries so they CAN afford healthcare.
Understand that the ONLY reason an employee is hired is because the employer expects to profit off their labor, however that cost of their labor (ie: salary, healthcare, retirement, benefits) is divied up, they don't really care. If you don't believe me then ponder why contractors make so much more in salary than employees - because they are being paid straight cash with no healthcare benefits or other benefits.

You're like the Darth Vader of Libertarians, you left before you really understood anything about what you were studying.
When does it stop?

Governments around the world have been shrinking since the 80's. Free trade played one part. Also, lowering taxes on the rich worked better than expected - it was revenue neutral.
When does it stop?

Governments around the world have been shrinking since the 80's. Free trade played one part. Also, lowering taxes on the rich worked better than expected - it was revenue neutral.
If it is revenue nuetral then it is a good thing to allow them to keep more of their money.
When does it stop?

Governments around the world have been shrinking since the 80's. Free trade played one part. Also, lowering taxes on the rich worked better than expected - it was revenue neutral.

Government spending when up even during Reagan's years. And don't mistake tax cuts as cuts to government, nor should you mistake cuts to government as reductions in it's responsibilities. Neither have shrunk there.