Ive sold my practice...


Well-known member
Okay here is the big news.

I hope I made the right decision... Ive sold my practice to a local large firm. I will have to work for them for the next 5 years to get the full benefit of the sale but they are going to pay me well and put my name on the door... but its a done deal and I should set for early retirement in 5 years. Ill be 41.

I have signed up some large high profile cases in the past few months and this firm started showing some real interest. I did not have the funding or support to give these cases what they need so it was a perfect fit. This firm is already well established and set up for these big cases. The other choice was for me to take out a huge loan to work these cases and that was more of a risk than I was willing to take. This way my payout is a done deal. Paperwork to be signed later today.
Thanks, I am not sure if Ill be able to access jpp from the new office. Ill see Monday.
You'll have some hard work the next 5 years, but it will be worth it! Enjoy it...

Ill be a partner with my own paralegal. Im sure Ill be working hard, but it will be the kind of work I like instead of the kind of work I am doing now.
Congrats, Jarod! From reading your posts, I understand that you're now freed from all the grunt work that goes along with practicing independently, letting you really be a lawyer. Five years isn't so long, especially when you're busy. I hope that this works out as well as you expect. :)
Congrats, Jarod! From reading your posts, I understand that you're now freed from all the grunt work that goes along with practicing independently, letting you really be a lawyer. Five years isn't so long, especially when you're busy. I hope that this works out as well as you expect. :)

Thanks thats exactly what I am hoping. I am looking forward to the next five years. Plus My wife has agreed that after the papers are all signed we can buy a sailboat, something Ive wanted for a LONG time!


where the hel| did I go wrong? I should go to law school.

I dont know that you did. This was a long hard struggle and by chance it has worked out well. Law school is not a sure bet on making money, there are lots of easier ways!

Plus I am not going to be RICH, I am just going to be free to persue whatever interests I have instead of consentrating on providing for my family.
Thanks thats exactly what I am hoping. I am looking forward to the next five years. Plus My wife has agreed that after the papers are all signed we can buy a sailboat, something Ive wanted for a LONG time!

You know haow to sail one Jarod ? If not check out the local CG Aux, they will help train ya, so you can be safe.
I dont know that you did. This was a long hard struggle and by chance it has worked out well. Law school is not a sure bet on making money, there are lots of easier ways!

Plus I am not going to be RICH, I am just going to be free to persue whatever interests I have instead of consentrating on providing for my family.
My FIL did exactly this. He then opened a consulting office and takes on only jobs he likes....

And yes, he was a lawyer.
Thanks thats exactly what I am hoping. I am looking forward to the next five years. Plus My wife has agreed that after the papers are all signed we can buy a sailboat, something Ive wanted for a LONG time!
Congrats! Enjoy the fruits of your labor.
You know haow to sail one Jarod ? If not check out the local CG Aux, they will help train ya, so you can be safe.

Ive been sailing all my life, but my wife wants to go to some official classes so Ill check that out!
