Ivermectin for use as an insecticide?

Should maybe be considered. I crushed a 12mg tab in some hot water soaked a piece of sausage with it, and left it on a Pharoah ant trail. 24 hours later and the whole ant population was reduced to about from 50/sqr'in in 1sqt'foot to like 3 per 12sqr meters. They mounted a counter attack in the first 12h while i slept but they only got like 3 bites before their whole colony was wiped.

This sht does the trick on insects. Better than borax and sugar imo.
Hi faggot, how in any way is suggesting a product that doesnt exist, a commercial? These faggots are just completely unproductuve.
Isn't that for dog heartworms?

Idk, I used to do it old-school..doesn't make the dog feel good for a day or so.

Big ass gelcap with toluene in it.
It's like nerve gas for invertibrates. It'd make a spectacular roach motel id hazard. If you can take just 12mg for headlice....
That said, yeah, it has nasty side effects like metronidazole has. I wouldnt even feed it to a dog tbh. Note: dog doses are in mcg's. 1/10th of 1mg.
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