Jack Bally 1/3 scale B-17


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Jack Bally is a resident of Dixon, Illinois who does not know the meaning of giving up. Since 1999, he’s been custom building a 1/3 scale B-17 which upon completion will be the only one in the world. From concept to execution, he’s been chipping away at this wonder of engineering in his spare time.

The airframe is aluminum and custom made of course and with everything assembled weighs 1,800 lbs.! The wingspan itself is 34 ft. 7 in. which supports her engines. This turned out to be one of the most difficult parts of this project however.

He put a ton of effort into this build and the end is well worth watching.

Well Done!
TO be blunt?

When I first saw it?
I thought?
Well, it's his life. And it's harmless.
But it seems a pretty silly thing to build.
Building a 1/3 scale radio-controlled plane.
I mean...why so big?

But when I saw that he could fly it!!!
That changed it completely.
Now I think it is REALLY COOL!