Jade's fine spirits, beer, and wine discussion.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
This doesn't really need explaining, I assume. However, you need to save the salty behavior for when you're drinking, not discussing here. No bickering Owl's, and Jack. First one to start something is out the door. No racists, or haters aloud, and no knocking anyone's choice in drinks. Got it?
I like a well chilled Chardonnay. Usually with some cheese or avocado slices with just a pinch of salt.
I had my BFF from the Amazon Movie Forum.
Recommend trying Reeds Ginger Beer.
It has lots of ginger burns going down.
You can make Moscow Mules with it.
Ginger Beer,vodka and lime juice
Belaya Rus vodka is a brand of vodka, launched in the US in 2012 and distilled in Minsk from a blend of premium hard winter wheat (%25) and rye (75%) using pure artesian water drawn from wells 1000 ft. (290 meters) deep. It is distilled six times and filtered with patented method using black flint or "Cremia", a mineral found only in Belarus. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belaya_Rus_vodka)

History of Vodka

Who actually first distilled vodka? This is a hot point of contention between the countries of Belarus, Poland, Russia, and Ukraine. The word vodka comes from old Slavic, “voda,” meaning “ water.” The earliest documented evidence that mentions vodka comes from Poland. Dating back to 1405, in the Akta Grodzkie, the court documents from the Palatinate of Sandommierz of Poland we find the first mention vodka. On a more interesting point, wodka (Polish pronunciation), was actually a reference to the chemical compounds found in the medicines of the time. In 1533 we find another mention of wodka as a medicinal drink purchased by the Russians from Kievan Rus merchants.

There is an interesting old tale told throughout the vodka drinking belt of the story of Russia’s first purchase of vodka from the Poles. The transaction was carried out by Kieven Rus (Ukrainians) merchants who hired Belarusians to transport the shipment. The Belarusians fell so passionately in love with vodka, they stole the recipe.

Personally, I do in fact that vodka first originated in Poland. However, keep in mind that in the western areas of the previously mentioned countries lie the vast wheat fields on which the original recipe for vodka was based.

continued http://evewine101.com/2013/05/30/belarus-the-theft-of-vodka/
Have you ever had ginger root? I ground one up and put it in my mouth, it tasted like I had a mouthful of black pepper! I spit it out and rinsed my mouth out with the nearest liquid, a sink full of dishes and dish soap. It was REALLY bad.
Have you ever had ginger root? I ground one up and put it in my mouth, it tasted like I had a mouthful of black pepper! I spit it out and rinsed my mouth out with the nearest liquid, a sink full of dishes and dish soap. It was REALLY bad.

We keep ginger root in the freezer grate it in Chinese Food.
Wish I could recall what wonderful wine we had at the neighbors' the other day. It was a local vintage, a sweet smooth white wine.
We keep ginger root in the freezer grate it in Chinese Food.

It's suppose to be healthy for you. They recommend a 'finger tip' size when Juicing. I wanted to see what it REALLY tasted like and ground up a whole root and stuck it in my mouth. I won't be doing that again.
It's suppose to be healthy for you. They recommend a 'finger tip' size when Juicing. I wanted to see what it REALLY tasted like and ground up a whole root and stuck it in my mouth. I won't be doing that again.

Really adds flavor to Chinese Food and Chinese gravy.I learned to cook Egg Fo Yung,from YouTube.
Lay a small wafer of about a 69% cacao dark chocolate on your tongue. Let it almost dissolve and and follow it with a swig of the red label Chimay Ale. Incredible! Especially after a doob or so.
I got a true Absinthe in Canada, and brought it home. They can't sell it here, but nothing stops you from buying it elsewhere. It's weird though, because the ingredient that's forced to be left out in non true versions here in America, is readily available for herbal supplementation. It was thought it caused certain effects, but it's more likely just an effect of the shit load of alcohol in absinthe. Studies have ruled against the effects from wormwood from what I've heard. The one I bought is 120 proof, or 60% alcohol for reference.
I got a true Absinthe in Canada, and brought it home. They can't sell it here, but nothing stops you from buying it elsewhere. It's weird though, because the ingredient that's forced to be left out in non true versions here in America, is readily available for herbal supplementation. It was thought it caused certain effects, but it's more likely just an effect of the shit load of alcohol in absinthe. Studies have ruled against the effects from wormwood from what I've heard. The one I bought is 120 proof, or 60% alcohol for reference.

A group of us got into some real absinthe at one time. Some goofy shit. Don’t know if it truly was the high alcohol or not.
A group of us got into some real absinthe at one time. Some goofy shit. Don’t know if it truly was the high alcohol or not.

Technically you're supposed to dilute, or mix it in a special process to serve it. I can't remember it though, so I'll need to look it up
In Denver they had my type of Brewery. It was a heavy metal brewery, and I got a bit to bring home, and share with the neighbors. They had a special edition House Saison, sold in 1.5 liter magnum bottles, and a type of beer I never heard of called a grisette. Got them both, along with their Sour ale, called Cursed.

Hmmmm, I don't like beer or wine (please don't hold that against me) but I do enjoy mixed drinks, especially drinks with Vodka. I don't have a particular favorite.

On a hot summer evening, I may blend Vodka, Orange Sherbet, ice and maybe orange juice. Sometimes I'll skip the sherbet and blend the other ingredients. It's just too damned hot this year for me in the west.