Jan 1st new years, some history not taught in schools

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
Back on New Year’s Day 1577 Pope Gregory decreed that all Roman Jews had to attend a Catholic conversion sermon given in Roman synagogues after Friday night services. The penalty for skipping out was death. Then, on New Year’s Day of the next year, the Pope signed a law forcing Jews to pay for a “House of Conversion” whose purpose was to convert Jews to Christianity.

The House of Conversion did not work out so well for the Pope, however, so on New Year’s Day 1581 he ordered the confiscation of all the Roman Jewish community’s Hebrew scrolls and books. That caused a lot of violence; the Jews took it in the neck, as usual, when, virtually unarmed, they faced a vastly superior state-backed force.

Back on New Year’s Day 1577 Pope Gregory decreed that all Roman Jews had to attend a Catholic conversion sermon given in Roman synagogues after Friday night services. The penalty for skipping out was death. Then, on New Year’s Day of the next year, the Pope signed a law forcing Jews to pay for a “House of Conversion” whose purpose was to convert Jews to Christianity.

The House of Conversion did not work out so well for the Pope, however, so on New Year’s Day 1581 he ordered the confiscation of all the Roman Jewish community’s Hebrew scrolls and books. That caused a lot of violence; the Jews took it in the neck, as usual, when, virtually unarmed, they faced a vastly superior state-backed force.


no one cares about the Jews. tired of this
In millenniums old "serve the Pope or die" diatribe this Christian Nation doesn't teach that Islam medical pseudoscience of virgin Mary human reproduction in what to do with out of wedlock son of Allah bastards for an economic gold standard that Christiananlity pedophilia with an immaculate Jesus the Christ conception reasoning of suicidal super egos lynching enforcement adapted as standard practice.
Back on New Year’s Day 1577 Pope Gregory decreed that all Roman Jews had to attend a Catholic conversion sermon given in Roman synagogues after Friday night services. The penalty for skipping out was death. Then, on New Year’s Day of the next year, the Pope signed a law forcing Jews to pay for a “House of Conversion” whose purpose was to convert Jews to Christianity.

The House of Conversion did not work out so well for the Pope, however, so on New Year’s Day 1581 he ordered the confiscation of all the Roman Jewish community’s Hebrew scrolls and books. That caused a lot of violence; the Jews took it in the neck, as usual, when, virtually unarmed, they faced a vastly superior state-backed force.


Has the RC church ever issued an official mea culpa for this travesty?
According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Pope Gregory XIII did both some decent things for Jewish people, but also some blatantly hostile things.


Pope from 1572 to 1585; born at Bologna Feb. 7, 1502; died at Rome April 10, 1585. His attitude toward the Jews was that of a man possessed of natural goodness warped by strong feelings of intolerance and fanaticism. Soon after his election Gregory, in spite of ecclesiastical opposition, allowed the Jews to return to Venaissin, from which they had been banished by a decree issuedFeb. 26, 1569. Like Paul III., Gregory granted (1581) safe-conduct to Jews traveling through Italy; he also repealed the prohibition against interest. By a writ issued Jan. 10, 1577, he confirmed the regulations of Clement VII. which organized the community under a council of sixty, and he sanctioned a system of communal taxation by which each member was assessed according to the degree of his prosperity.

Gregory, however, was the author of a series of bulls and ordinances of the most hostile character. He compelled (Sept. 4, 1578) the Jews of Rome to contribute 1,100 scudi toward the maintenance of the Casa dei Catecumeni (Home for Converts to Christianity); renewed (1581) the prohibition against the attendance of Jewish physicians upon Christian patients; ordered (1581) the surrender to the inquisitors of all copies of the Talmud; and commanded (1584) all Jews to listen every Saturday in their synagogues to the sermons of missionaries.
