Jan. 6 Panel Uses Trump's Allies to Lay Out Case Against Him

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol began making their case for Donald Trump’s culpability for the deadly riot Thursday night, using testimony from members of his own administration to prove that the former President was behind a coordinated conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election and block the transfer of power to Joe Biden

The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol began making their case for Donald Trump’s culpability for the deadly riot Thursday night, using testimony from members of his own administration to prove that the former President was behind a coordinated conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election and block the transfer of power to Joe Biden


The list of which Republicans were asking Trump for a pardon should be good reading. :thup:
The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol began making their case for Donald Trump’s culpability for the deadly riot Thursday night, using testimony from members of his own administration to prove that the former President was behind a coordinated conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election and block the transfer of power to Joe Biden


They made an excellent presentation. Clear and always on mark.
what case?......all that's been submitted so far are opinions.....


seed and spawn of the christians satan,, thy name be Adrian

The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol began making their case for Donald Trump’s culpability for the deadly riot Thursday night, using testimony from members of his own administration to prove that the former President was behind a coordinated conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election and block the transfer of power to Joe Biden


The presentation was so good last night, I'm still bathing in the afterglow :)
Hey Lurch, why the groan? Can't you actually defend your positions with evidence and facts?

Hey, I am going to "groan" the fuck out of you. You know why? I know you hate it - that's why I'm doing it. You know why? Because you are an intellectually dishonest troll and a little cowardly bitch.

I don't need to make a case. The case is being made in prime time. All you need to do is watch TV.

Don't troll me anymore. You know I'll know when you're doing it. I'm so much smarter than you.
The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol began making their case for Donald Trump’s culpability for the deadly riot Thursday night, using testimony from members of his own administration to prove that the former President was behind a coordinated conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election and block the transfer of power to Joe Biden


Term "nothing burger" comes to mind.
Democrats shot their wad in this first episode of their made for TV mini series. Nobody will even watch the rest of this political circus.

Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Oh my god. Would you like to place a wager on the viewership Monday, exceeding yesterdays?

I will make my avatar "We love Trump" or some shit like that, and if you lose, you have to change your avatar to "Biden 2024". We on?
Yep, Trump impeachment attempt and fail #3...

Dear dumbass traitor; you can't impeach someone out of office. At best it will be criminal charges.

Frankly, like Nixon, I doubt Trump will suffer more than quasi-banishment to Mar-a-Lago. Those under him will be cut off at the ankles. Several will go to prison, others will face financial ruin.

Trump fucked over a lot of people by failing to give them pardons: Republican leaders, militia terrorists and every Qanon member who attacked the Capitol.

My experience with people and statistics tells me that one or a few of those nutjobs will want their pound of flesh from TrumpCo for the betrayal. Maybe they can't hit Trump himself but they can go after his business and family. Like you, these people are violent fucking nutjobs who truly believe the election was stolen. Now they also know that Trump lied to them and abandoned them in their hour of need.

All it takes is one or a few nutjobs to cause a problem and there are a few thousand of these idiots as you've proved today, dude.

Ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Oh my god. Would you like to place a wager on the viewership Monday, exceeding yesterdays?

I will make my avatar "We love Trump" or some shit like that, and if you lose, you have to change your avatar to "Biden 2024". We on?

What was yesterday's. I can't find any ratings on it which tells me it was extremely low. Got any numbers?