Japan Wants "the bomb" ?


Villified User
Just watched some stuff on TV a while ago about Japan wanting to modify it's constitution to allow first military strikes and several in parliment want the Bomb.....
Are you going to deny Japan the bomb?

Everybody else has got one. If little Japan's the only one without a nuclear bomb then they're going to be picked on in the playground. Do you want Japan to be picked on US?
Not me, I deny no legitimate govt the bomb. That is for the paranoid cons to fret and use as a fear factor to gets votes with.
The darned republicans are like religion, without something to fear their power dissipates....
Actually, this is going to be a major problem in the next 10-20 years. Every tin-pot nation on Earth is going to have access to, at best, crude nuclear technology.

Given the human race's inherrent idiocy it's going to be a blast.
Actually, this is going to be a major problem in the next 10-20 years. Every tin-pot nation on Earth is going to have access to, at best, crude nuclear technology.

Given the human race's inherrent idiocy it's going to be a blast.

Mankind grossly overestimates it's collective intelligence.
Always has.
Not me, I deny no legitimate govt the bomb. That is for the paranoid cons to fret and use as a fear factor to gets votes with.
The darned republicans are like religion, without something to fear their power dissipates....

global warming, economic polarization, 40 million uninsured medical care.. the list goes on of what the left is alarmist about
Alarmist or just forward looking ?

I lived thru the duck and cover drills in school and was educated in school about bomb shelters and survival supplies....

all worked out to be squat.
Not me, I deny no legitimate govt the bomb. That is for the paranoid cons to fret and use as a fear factor to gets votes with.
The darned republicans are like religion, without something to fear their power dissipates....

You're stupid. No nation should have the bomb. If I can use the cons to at least limit the spread of the nuclear contagion, I will.