Jay Z Signs Deal With The NFL


Well-known member
A couple of years ago NFL ratings were all the rage on the board. Jay Z made national news last week signing a deal with Goodell and the NFL. The response was clearly a mixed bag. Some liked that he now has a seat at the table. Others felt he was selling out and giving cover to the racism of the NFL that is still blackballing Kaepernick.

If you're a Kaep supporter how do you feel about this?
kaep sucks as a quarterback

this whole thing started because kaep was butthurt about being on the bench, so he didn't stand for the national anthem because he was crying like a little girl. then he retconned the entire situation to be a civil rights thing and got a 100 million dollars out of it. thanks liberals.
The NFL is racist


I'll be racist upon for millions of dollars a year. Call me a Jewish slew you racist pigs, oh, thanks for the 40 million dollar check, mansion, sweet car, awesome locker room oh and those goyom girls... Allah bless the NFL

A couple of years ago NFL ratings were all the rage on the board. Jay Z made national news last week signing a deal with Goodell and the NFL. The response was clearly a mixed bag. Some liked that he now has a seat at the table. Others felt he was selling out and giving cover to the racism of the NFL that is still blackballing Kaepernick.

If you're a Kaep supporter how do you feel about this?

kaep sucks as a quarterback

this whole thing started because kaep was butthurt about being on the bench, so he didn't stand for the national anthem because he was crying like a little girl. then he retconned the entire situation to be a civil rights thing and got a 100 million dollars out of it. thanks liberals.

You’re welcome. Charge what the market will bear is our motto and apparently the NFL was willing to pay one hell of a lot to sweep under the rug that they had broke the law.
A couple of years ago NFL ratings were all the rage on the board. Jay Z made national news last week signing a deal with Goodell and the NFL. The response was clearly a mixed bag. Some liked that he now has a seat at the table. Others felt he was selling out and giving cover to the racism of the NFL that is still blackballing Kaepernick.

If you're a Kaep supporter how do you feel about this?

What do you mean by a seat at the table?
What do you mean by a seat at the table?

When the commissioner and owners gather/talk etc. he will be there to lend his voice. He would be involved in discussions and meetings. So instead of being on the outside looking in he will be on the inside, a seat at the table so to speak.
When the commissioner and owners gather/talk etc. he will be there to lend his voice. He would be involved in discussions and meetings. So instead of being on the outside looking in he will be on the inside, a seat at the table so to speak.

Well to answer your question...nothing. If the NFL continues to illegally collude to keep Kap out then they'll just end up paying him more money in more settlements or risk losing even more in a court battle.
Well to answer your question...nothing. If the NFL continues to illegally collude to keep Kap out then they'll just end up paying him more money in more settlements or risk losing even more in a court battle.

the argument has been made that Jay Z is "cooning" and giving cover to the racism of the NFL. Others have strongly disagreed and pointed to Kaepernick's tweet that said he wanted to be part of the Panthers ownership group (along with Steph Curry and some other athletes) in defense of Jay Z coming to this agreement and possibility of becoming an owner himself.

The debate over this isn't about Kaepernick's lawsuit. It's about race and Jay Z's actions.
A couple of years ago NFL ratings were all the rage on the board. Jay Z made national news last week signing a deal with Goodell and the NFL. The response was clearly a mixed bag. Some liked that he now has a seat at the table. Others felt he was selling out and giving cover to the racism of the NFL that is still blackballing Kaepernick.

If you're a Kaep supporter how do you feel about this?

Kaepernick isn't blackballed because he's black.
But because having him on the team,would cost the owner money.
kaep sucks as a quarterback

this whole thing started because kaep was butthurt about being on the bench, so he didn't stand for the national anthem because he was crying like a little girl. then he retconned the entire situation to be a civil rights thing and got a 100 million dollars out of it. thanks liberals.

Don't post when you're stoned,you sound ridiculous.
When the commissioner and owners gather/talk etc. he will be there to lend his voice. He would be involved in discussions and meetings. So instead of being on the outside looking in he will be on the inside, a seat at the table so to speak.

Wait till he finds out he has to do the dishes.