Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
He definitely committed journalistic malpractice in the wrong era. There were still some standards in the early 2000s.
He definitely committed journalistic malpractice in the wrong era. There were still some standards in the early 2000s.
I have to wonder what you've been reading.
Journalistic integrity started slipping away in the mid 90s.
Journalistic integrity started slipping away in the mid 90s.
Is all MSM and online journalism affected? If not, which do you recommend?
I looked up Jayson Blair’s misdeeds. There appears to be no political slant to them. He plagiarized and invented to make his job easier, and he was caught.
You think the NYT wouldn’t hold someone like that accountable now? Why not?
Yes, something went wrong in the 1990s. Online media took off. Many sites copy articles from each other word for word, often without fact-checking; and when the same story appears in a dozen different places,
people tend to believe it. To what extent this - on top of deliberate deception - contributed to the current abysmal state of US politics is anyone’s guess.