Jeff Tucker wrote and edited Ron's newsletter back then

Virkkalla said they were trying for Mencken's style, but I did not see anything in that stuff that was particularly funny. Shit, Mencken lived back when those attitudes were more accepted, but I don't think his stuff sounded that vile.

No, I am still going with Gary North. The double dashes betray him. Plus he is a delusional nut that might think that crap was amusing.
Is he associated with Ron Paul?

Shit, libertarianism before the internet and the college students was filled with racists. Ron Paul's the naive honest guy out of the bunch, and when the shit hits the fan he's going to take the fall, whenever he has by far the most to lose.
North was a staffer during Paul's first term in 76.

I don't know that it was filled with racist, but it definitely had more of them. The thinkers of early Lism are not racist. Rothbard showed no signs of racism and Rand was particularly harsh in her denuciation of racism.
North was a staffer during Paul's first term in 76.

I don't know that it was filled with racist, but it definitely had more of them. The thinkers of early Lism are not racist. Rothbard showed no signs of racism and Rand was particularly harsh in her denuciation of racism.

But the movement was filled with racists - particularly in the south - before it was well defined and becoming popular. Now, the Libertarian party of Mississippi is the only party that even considers running atheists, while the Democratic party of Mississippi is a far-right masterpiece. Ron Paul is not a racist. THAT is the bottom line, and that's ALL that fucking matters.
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Are you being serious now, water?

Oh and I don't mean to imply North was the editor. Nobody would give that cook such responsibility. I think he wrote most of the worst stuff. Rockwell probably was the editor.
Are you being serious now, water?

Oh and I don't mean to imply North was the editor. Nobody would give that cook such responsibility. I think he wrote most of the worst stuff. Rockwell probably was the editor.

So Rockwell edited and read everything that went into it? Then he should come out and say so. He should tell all the writers from that period, and about how Ron Paul had nothing to do with it because he was busy with his three other, far more serious, magazines.
This is all going to blow over. It isn't going to be reported much more in the mainstream media, and the other Republicans won't attack him with it because the content of the letters would cause Paul to steal votes from their base. Ron Paul does best among liberal Republicans.
This is all going to blow over. It isn't going to be reported much more in the mainstream media, and the other Republicans won't attack him with it because the content of the letters would cause Paul to steal votes from their base. Ron Paul does best among liberal Republicans.

Haha... But I think it damages his activists. With out them he does not have much going for him. How many people are going to be willing to go door to door, wave signs and such, when they are likely to be accused of being racists.
I sent this to Rockwell, make it an open letter.

Subject line... Silence aint going to work

Everyone knows that you were involved with the newsletters now. I am not sure what is worse, that you wrote that nonsense or that you have sat by while a better man has taken the full blame for your actions. I hope Rothbard and Mises are not tainted by you.

You guys continue to pretend this is all just smear, but I would not support Paul if I thought he actually wrote that stuff or believed it.

And I am not a "cosmopolitan" libertarian. I usually agreed with you guys over Cato and Reason. I think I will reassess since apparently the only way to get to your purity is by soliciting racists, which is in no way consistent with libertarianism.
Haha... But I think it damages his activists. With out them he does not have much going for him. How many people are going to be willing to go door to door, wave signs and such, when they are likely to be accused of being racists.

It went in and it went out. The mainstream reported it last night, a few fringe foreign sites published it again, and now, if you'll go to google news and type "ron paul", search for articles in the past hour, there's nothing about it.

But there ARE FIFTY-SEVEN articles like the top one that appears if you click on Ron Paul in the last month... goddamit, time to hack the servers.
And the plot…. sickens.

Who wrote the Ron Paul racist letters? Excellent detective work guys. Those Dan RatherGate guys have nothing on you.

This thread is great ;)
And the plot…. sickens.

Who wrote the Ron Paul racist letters? Excellent detective work guys. Those Dan RatherGate guys have nothing on you.

This thread is great ;)

Stfu. We self-criticize and look for the truth of the matter rather than accept explanations.

You should watch and learn, maybe try it with your candidates some day.
Stfu. We self-criticize and look for the truth of the matter rather than accept explanations.

You should watch and learn, maybe try it with your candidates some day.

"Self-criticize", "watch and learn" .. Get the fuck outta here.

The evil of this bastard was evident a long ass time ago and if any of you brainiacs gave a damn you would have discovered this truth YEARS AGO.

When it was presented .. in great detail .. you clowns closed your eyes and held your hands over your ears.