Jennifer Lawrence slammed the POTUS, and then this happened to her

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Путин - м&#108
This delusional freak show is two hours of pretentious twaddle that tackles religion, paranoia, lust, rebellion, and a thirst for blood in a circus of grotesque debauchery.

Nothing about mother! makes one lick of sense as Darren Aronofsky’s corny vision of madness turns more hilarious than scary.

With so much crap around to clog the drain, I hesitate to label it the “Worst movie of the year” when “Worst movie of the century” fits it even better.


i'm still seeing it as I am a huge darren aronofsky fan. Pretty sure requiem for a dream alone kept me from snorting a line of coke when offered in college lol.

pi - decent
requiem for a dream - awesome
the fountain - awesome
the wrestler - awesome
black swan - awesome
noah - blah
mother - ???

I will report back with my findings.
i'm still seeing it as I am a huge darren aronofsky fan. Pretty sure requiem for a dream alone kept me from snorting a line of coke when offered in college lol.

pi - decent
requiem for a dream - awesome
the fountain - awesome
the wrestler - awesome
black swan - awesome
noah - blah
mother - ???

I will report back with my findings.

Wow - I agree w/ that whole list. Loved those movies you have awesome next to, and thought Noah was a big misfire, which bummed me out since there is a lot of potential in that story.

I'm stoked to see mother! Every time there is some sort of polarizing love/hate movie (looking your way, Cloud Atlas), I tend to love it. I read about mother! and it sounds like it's not easy to sit through, but pretty friggin' brilliant.
Wow - I agree w/ that whole list. Loved those movies you have awesome next to, and thought Noah was a big misfire, which bummed me out since there is a lot of potential in that story.

I'm stoked to see mother! Every time there is some sort of polarizing love/hate movie (looking your way, Cloud Atlas), I tend to love it. I read about mother! and it sounds like it's not easy to sit through, but pretty friggin' brilliant.

yup sometimes you have to look at the breakdown. Seems audiences don't like it, but critics have been much more favorable to it.
Wow - I agree w/ that whole list. Loved those movies you have awesome next to, and thought Noah was a big misfire, which bummed me out since there is a lot of potential in that story.

I'm stoked to see mother! Every time there is some sort of polarizing love/hate movie (looking your way, Cloud Atlas), I tend to love it. I read about mother! and it sounds like it's not easy to sit through, but pretty friggin' brilliant.

I just saw mother recently, before I get into my brief review I will say a few things:

* I am an arronofsky fanboy,

* I knew it was controversial and audiences were very polarized on it, but at the same time I tried to not get my hopes up to much. So I entered the movie with a very "we'll see how it goes" type of attitude. It's possible if you go into this movie expecting to be x y or z or wanting it to deliver on some level that your expectations could get in the way. It's best to just go in and let the ride take you where it does.

So that said, I thought it was fucking awesome. There are parts of the movie that to me where legitimately terrifying. I've seen all of arronofsky's films and I can say very confidently there are scenes in this film where arronofsky is at his absolute darkest.

Jennifer lawrence imo was great. There are a lot of scenes where it's just her and to a large extent she carries this film.

Some mitigating stuff: I saw this movie with someone who I thought was on the same wavelength with me in regards to the type of movies and stuff I am interested in, (we click a lot on liking the same type of stuff), but this person was more mixed. So it's hard to predict how people will take it. I definitely can see why it's controversial to a lot of people though.

The best way to go into this movie is to pretty much read no reviews, as I think that could spoil it.
I just saw mother recently, before I get into my brief review I will say a few things:

* I am an arronofsky fanboy,

* I knew it was controversial and audiences were very polarized on it, but at the same time I tried to not get my hopes up to much. So I entered the movie with a very "we'll see how it goes" type of attitude. It's possible if you go into this movie expecting to be x y or z or wanting it to deliver on some level that your expectations could get in the way. It's best to just go in and let the ride take you where it does.

So that said, I thought it was fucking awesome. There are parts of the movie that to me where legitimately terrifying. I've seen all of arronofsky's films and I can say very confidently there are scenes in this film where arronofsky is at his absolute darkest.

Jennifer lawrence imo was great. There are a lot of scenes where it's just her and to a large extent she carries this film.

Some mitigating stuff: I saw this movie with someone who I thought was on the same wavelength with me in regards to the type of movies and stuff I am interested in, (we click a lot on liking the same type of stuff), but this person was more mixed. So it's hard to predict how people will take it. I definitely can see why it's controversial to a lot of people though.

The best way to go into this movie is to pretty much read no reviews, as I think that could spoil it.

I've read some of the reviews, but I don't think it will affect me much.

When movies are ambitious and/or original, they usually get a lot of critical leeway from me. As I said in my other post, I generally tend to love the polarizing flicks, whether I have expectations or not.

Thanks for posting your thoughts on it. Pretty stoked; I'll check it out soon & let you know what I think.