Jews For Hitler.


Verified User
Bet you never thought there was such a thing. Well that is because you are continually having the hell brainwashed out of you. You are all pathetic losers, at best. Prove me wrong. Watch this fairly short documentary. If there is anything in that you don't think is true in it, just let me know. I would be happy to discuss it with you.

Bet you never thought there was such a thing. Well that is because you are continually having the hell brainwashed out of you. You are all pathetic losers, at best. Prove me wrong. Watch this fairly short documentary. If there is anything in that you don't think is true in it, just let me know. I would be happy to discuss it with you.


Funny thing is, you're not the nuttiest right winger on the forum.
Well, watching that dreck of a video linked in the OP:

At approximately

2:50 "Germany was tricked into defeat in WW 1..."

This is bullshit. Once the Kaiser offensives of 1918 failed to defeat Britain and France, Germany was finished. With the US entering the war, Germany had no way to withstand Allied offensives any longer. Germany capitulated rather than have the Allies overrun their nation.

2:59 "...a war (WW 1) they never wanted."

This too is bullshit. Germany mobilized well prior to invading France. They planned out their initial offensives very carefully. The Kaiser had built a huge fleet to take on Britain or France at sea. The Germans wanted war in 1914.

3:20 The "Germany didn't want war" is repeated and a claim is made that they were just defending their ally, Austro-Hungary. This is untrue too. Serbia was allied with Russia and the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started a war between the two. Russia declared war on AH. The Germans, had a defense treaty with AH and declared war on Russia. That brought France in as they had a defense treaty with Russia.
The British came in because Germany invaded Belgium. If that hadn't happened, the British wouldn't have been in the war in 1914.

3:36 Germany and East Prussia are divided and a claim is made that this meant the two had to go through Poland.
This is bullshit. Both had a seacoast and ports, so movement between the two was possible by sea.

I could go through the whole thing, but it's just typical neo-Nazi bullshit lite and nothing but dreck.
Well, watching that dreck of a video linked in the OP:

At approximately

2:50 "Germany was tricked into defeat in WW 1..."

This is bullshit. Once the Kaiser offensives of 1918 failed to defeat Britain and France, Germany was finished. With the US entering the war, Germany had no way to withstand Allied offensives any longer. Germany capitulated rather than have the Allies overrun their nation.

2:59 "...a war (WW 1) they never wanted."

This too is bullshit. Germany mobilized well prior to invading France. They planned out their initial offensives very carefully. The Kaiser had built a huge fleet to take on Britain or France at sea. The Germans wanted war in 1914.

3:20 The "Germany didn't want war" is repeated and a claim is made that they were just defending their ally, Austro-Hungary. This is untrue too. Serbia was allied with Russia and the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand started a war between the two. Russia declared war on AH. The Germans, had a defense treaty with AH and declared war on Russia. That brought France in as they had a defense treaty with Russia.
The British came in because Germany invaded Belgium. If that hadn't happened, the British wouldn't have been in the war in 1914.

3:36 Germany and East Prussia are divided and a claim is made that this meant the two had to go through Poland.
This is bullshit. Both had a seacoast and ports, so movement between the two was possible by sea.

I could go through the whole thing, but it's just typical neo-Nazi bullshit lite and nothing but dreck.

I never said the video was completely accurate. But maybe that is because I've mainly only learned history as written by the victors. I myself don't think that Germany had a chance of winning WW I. It was just a question of manpower and the far greater ability of America to produce weapons. On the other hand, Hitler himself said that the reason Germany lost WW I was because they had been betrayed. And he wasn't a stupid person. So there could be some truth to what he said.

Next, any country that has a military is preparing for war. That doesn't necessarily mean they want to start a war. They are just preparing for the possibility of one. So indeed, Germany may not have wanted war. But with the Archduke and his wife being assassinated and with all the mutual treaties between the European nations on both sides, war was inevitable. And the U.S. shouldn't have gotten involved.

Next, I don't think it was to unite split parts of Germany that Germany invaded Poland. From what I have heard, it was because ethnic Germans were being murdered in Poland that caused the Germans to invade. Neither do I think that Poland had a closed border with Germany. If they did, I never heard of it. So you wouldn't have needed a boat to go from Germany to Danzig. (Which is now called Gdansk) Or other parts of Prussia. All you would have had to do was cross a border.

So, did this answer any of your questions about the video? I am glad that somebody around here had the intelligence to actually watch the video and discuss it. I think most of the video was right on the money. And they showed documents to back up what he had to say on some of the things. There is another part of it that I don't think was right. In it he said that Stalin wasn't jewish. But Stalin's real last name was Dzhugashvili. Though I have also seen it written as Jughashvili. From what I have heard, in one of the languages spoken in that part of the world, that name translates as "Son of the Jew." So he was at least descended from jews. He also said that Lenin was jewish. But from what I have heard, he was only 1/4 jewish. But what he said about most of the Russian Bolshevik leaders being jewish, he was right. Also, I will show you something that was actually said by one of them. He was jewish. And he is said to have orchestrated the untimely deaths of at least 10 million people. Here it is.


So, is there anything else you would care to discuss about the video?
Isn't that weaseling out of your own thread?

No. And why do you think I even posted a link to the video. It may not be completely accurate. But there is more truth to it than there is falsehood. Such as Napoleon being funded by the jews for their own political reasons. I learned about that from the video. So I looked it up for myself. It is true.
No. And why do you think I even posted a link to the video.

It may not be completely accurate. But there is more truth to it than there is falsehood.

Such as Napoleon being funded by the jews for their own political reasons. I learned about that from the video. So I looked it up for myself. It is true.
Because you are pushing an POV.

No shit. Which begs the question of why a person would push a POV they don't believe in. Are they just weak and stupid? Mentally ill?

You think Napoleon was a pawn of the Jews, Bey? Do you fantasize about him sucking their circumcised dicks?